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1 Coulter, M.K.; Dean, M.E.; Gilbody, S.
Homoeopathy for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder or hyperkinetic disorder
Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2007, 4(CD005648), 1-27 (Internet)
Homöopathie, ADHS, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Psychische Krankheiten, Systematischer Review
2 Shaddel, F.; Ghazirad, M.; Bryant, M.
What is the best available evidence for using homeopathy in patients with intellectual disabilities?
Iran J Pediatr, 2014, 24(4), (1-6)
Autismus, Homöopathie, ADHS, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Psychische Krankheiten, Systematischer Review
3 Fibert, P.; Relton, C.; Heirs, M.; Bowden, D.
A comparative consecutive case series of 20 children with ADHD receiving homeopathic treatment for one year, compared with 10 children receiving usual treatment
Eur J Integr Med, 2015, 7(6), 691-692 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Homöopathie, ADHS, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Nicht-randomisierte Studie, Pädiatrie, Psychische Krankheiten
4 Fibert, P.; Relton, C.; Heirs, M.; Bowden, D.
A comparative consecutive case series of 20 children with a diagnosis of ADHD receiving homeopathic treatment, compared with 10 children receiving usual care
Homeopathy, 2016, 105(2), 194-201
Homöopathie, ADHS, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Nicht-randomisierte Studie, Pädiatrie, Psychische Krankheiten
5 Moro, A.Z.; Gainza, C.R.; Soto, R.N.; Hechevarria, M.R.
Tratamiento homeopático a pacientes discapacidos mentales con trastornos de conducta
Homeopathic treatment for mentally disabled patients with behavioral disorders
Hom México, 2004, 73(632), 173-180
Homöopathie, ADHS, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Nicht-randomisierte Studie, Psychische Krankheiten, Verhaltensstörungen