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38 Ergebnisse (gefiltert)

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1 Lahmann, C.; Röhricht, F.; Sauer, N.; Noll-Hussong, M.; Ronel, J.; Henrich, G.; Arnim, A. von; Loew, T.
Functional relaxation as complementary therapy in irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized, controlled clinical trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2010, 16(1), 47-52
Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
2 Evans, S.; Cousins, L.; Tsao, J.C.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.
Protocol for a randomized controlled study of Iyengar yoga for youth with irritable bowel syndrome
Trials, 2011, 12(1), 15 (Studienprotokoll)
Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
3 Ljótsson, B.; Hedman, E.; Lindfors, P.; Hursti, T.; Lindefors, N.; Andersson, G.; Rück, C.
Long-term follow-up of internet-delivered exposure and mindfulness based treatment for irritable bowel syndrome
Behav Res Ther, 2011, 49(1), 58-61
Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Klinische Forschung, Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Psychologie/Psychotherapie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
4 Carruthers, H.R.; Morris, J.; Tarrier, N.; Whorwell, P.J.
Mood color choice helps to predict response to hypnotherapy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2010, 10, 75; (1-9)
Beobachtungsstudie, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom
5 Brands, M.M.; Purperhart, H.; Deckers-Kocken, J.M.
A pilot study of yoga treatment in children with functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome
Complement Ther Med, 2011, 19(3), 109-114
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Beobachtungsstudie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
6 Kearney, D.J.; McDermott, K.; Martinez, M.; Simpson, T.L.
Association of participation in a mindfulness programme with bowel symptoms, gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety and quality of life
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2011, 34(3), 363-373
Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Angst, Beobachtungsstudie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Psychische Krankheiten, Reizdarmsyndrom
7 Gaylord, S.A.; Palsson, O.S.; Garland, E.L.; Faurot, K.R.; Coble, R.S.; Mann, J.D.; Frey, W.; Leniek, K.; Whitehead, W.E.
Mindfulness training reduces the severity of irrtable bowel syndrome in women
Results of a randomized controlled trial
Am J Gastroenterol, 2011, 106(9), 1678-1688
Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Gynäkologie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
8 Lindfors, P.; Unge, P.; Arvidsson, P.; Nyhlin, H.; Björnsson, E.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Effects of gut-directed hypnotherapy on IBS in different clinical settings
Results from two randomized, controlled trials
Am J Gastroenterol, 2012, 107(2), 276-285
Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
9 Flik, C.E.; Rood, Y.R. van; Laan, W.; Smout, A.J.; Weusten, B.L.; Whorwell, P.J.; Wit, N.J. de
A randomised controlled trial on hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
Design and methodological challenges (the IMAGINE study)
BMC Gastroenterol, 2011, 11, 137; (1-10) (Studienprotokoll)
Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, placebokontrolliert, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
10 Lindfors, P.; Unge, P.; Nyhlin, H.; Ljótsson, B.; Björnsson, E.S.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Long-term effects of hypnotherapy in patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
Scand J Gastroenterol, 2012, 47(4), 414-421
Beobachtungsstudie, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom, retrospektiv
11 Gerson, C.D.; Gerson, J.; Gerson, M.J.
Group hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome with long-term follow-up
Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 2013, 61(1), 38-54
Beobachtungsstudie, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom
12 Lindfors, P.; Törnblom, H.; Sadik, R.; Björnsson, E.S.; Abrahamsson, H.; Simrén, M.
Effects on gastrointestinal transit and antroduodenojejunal manometry after gut-directed hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Scand J Gastroenterol, 2012, 47(12), 1480-1487
Hypnose, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
13 Moser, G.; Trägner, S.; Gajowniczek, E.E.; Mikulits, A.; Michalski, M.; Kazemi-Shirazi, L.; Kulnigg-Dabsch, S.; Führer, M.; Ponocny-Seliger, E.; Dejaco, C.; Miehsler, W.
Long-term success of GUT-directed group hypnosis for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Am J Gastroenterol, 2013, 108(4), 602-609
Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
14 Mizrahi, M.C.; Reicher-Atir, R.; Levy, S.; Haramati, S.; Wengrower, D.; Israeli, E.; Goldin, E.
Effects of guided imagery with relaxation training on anxiety and quality of life among patients with inflammatory bowel disease
Psychol Health, 2012, 27(12), 1463-1479
Angst, Entspannung, Imagery, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Psychische Krankheiten, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
15 Dobbin, A.; Dobbin, J.; Ross, S.C.; Graham, C.; Ford, M.J.
Randomised controlled trial of brief intervention with biofeedback and hypnotherapy in patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome
J R Coll Physicians Edinb, 2013, 43(1), 15-23
Biofeedback, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
16 Gulewitsch, M.D.; Müller, J.; Hautzinger, M.; Schlarb, A.A.
Brief hypnotherapeutic-behavioral intervention for functional abdominal pain and irritable bowel syndrome in childhood
A randomized controlled trial
Eur J Pediatr, 2013, 172(8), 1043-1451
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Psychologie/Psychotherapie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Verhaltenstherapie
17 Zernicke, K.A.; Campbell, T.S.; Blustein, P.K.; Fung, T.S.; Johnson, J.A.; Bacon, S.L.; Carlson, L.E.
Mindfulness-based stress reduction for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
A randomized wait-list controlled trial
Int J Behav Med, 2013, 20(3), 385-396
Achtsamkeitsmeditation, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
18 Rutten, J.M.T.M.; Vlieger, A.M.; Frankenhuis, C.; George, E.K.; Groeneweg, M.; Norbruis, O.F.; Ten, W.T. a; Wering, H. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Merkus, M.P.; Benninga, M.A.
Gut-directed hypnotherapy in children with irritable bowel syndrome or functional abdominal pain (syndrome)
A randomized controlled trial on self exercises at home using CD versus individual therapy by qualified therapists
BMC Pediatrics, 2014, 14, 140; (1-8)
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnose, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
19 Evans, S.; Lung, K.C.; Seidman, L.C.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.; Tsao, J.C.
Iyengar yoga for adolescents and young adults with irritable bowel syndrome
J Pediatr Gastroeneterol Nutrition, 2014, 59(2), 244-253
Jugendmedizin, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
20 Shahabi, L.; Naliboff, B.D.; Shapiro, D.
Self-regulation evaluation of therapeutic yoga and walking for patients with irritable bowel syndrome
A pilot study
Psychol Health Med, 2016, 21(2), 176-188
Bewegungstherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Physikalische Therapie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga, Walking
21 Miller, V.; Carruthers, H.R.; Morris, J.; Hasan, S.S.; Archbold, S.; Whorwell, P.J.
Hypnotherapy for irritable bowel syndrome
An audit of one thousand adult patients
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2015, 41(9), 844-855
Beobachtungsstudie, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom
22 Stern, M.J.; Guiles, R.A.; Gevirtz, R.
HRV biofeedback for pediatric irritable bowel syndrome and functional abdominal pain
A clinical replications series
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2014, 39(4), 287-291
Beobachtungsstudie, Biofeedback, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Schmerz, HRV-Biofeedback
23 Gerbarg, P.L.; Jacob, V.E.; Stevens, L.; Bosworth, B.P.; Chabouni, F.; DeFilippis, E.M.; Warren, R.; Trivellas, M.; Patel, P.V.; Webb, C.D.; Harbus, M.D.; Christos, P.J.; Brown, R.P.; Scherl, E.J.
The effect of breathing, movement, and meditation on psychological and physical symptoms and inflammatory biomarkers in inflammatory bowel disease
A randomized controlled trial
Inflamm Bowel Dis, 2015, 21(12), 2886-2896
Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Qi Gong, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin
24 Kavuri, V.; Selvan, P.; Malamud, A.; Raghuram, M.; Selvan, S.R.
Remedial yoga module remarkably improves symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome patients
A 12-week randomized controlled trial
Eur J Integr Med, 2015, 7(6), 595-608
Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
25 Kavuri, V.; Selvan, P.; Tabesh, A.; Raghuram, N.; Selvan, S.R.
Remedial yoga module improves symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
Replication in the wait-list group and sustained improvements at 6 months
Eur J Integr Med, 2015, 7(6), 609-616
Beobachtungsstudie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
26 Boltin, D.; Sahar, N.; Gil, E.; Aizic, S.; Hod, K.; Levi-Drummer, R.; Niv, Y.; Dickman, R.
Gut-directed guided affective imagery as an adjunct to dietary modification in irritable bowel syndrome
J Health Psychol, 2015, 20(6), 712-720
Ernährung/Diät, Imagery, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
27 Korterink, J.J.; Ockeloen, L.E.; Hilbink, M.; Benninga, M.A.; Deckers-Kocken, J.M.
Yoga therapy for abdominal pain related-functional gastrointestinal disorders in children
A randomized controlled trial
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 2016, 63(5), 481-487
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Dyspepsie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
28 Kuo, B.; Bhasin, M.; Jacquart, J.; Scult, M.A.; Slipp, L.; Riklin, E.I.K.; Lepoutre, V. et al.
Genomic and clinical effects associated with a relaxation response mind-body intervention in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease
PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(4), e0123861
Beobachtungsstudie, Colitis ulcerosa, Entspannung, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom
29 Lövdahl, J.; Ringström, G.; Agerforz, P.; Törnblom, H.; Simrén, M.
Nurse-administered, gut-directed hypnotherapy in IBS
Efficacy and factors predicting a positive response
Am J Clin Hypn, 2015, 58(1), 100-114
Beobachtungsstudie, Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Reizdarmsyndrom
30 Phillips-Moore, J.S.; Talley, N.J.; Jones, M.P.
The mind-body connection in irritable bowel syndrome
A randomised controlled trial of hypnotherapy as a treatment
Health Psychol Open, 2015, 2(1), 1-14
Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
31 Uusijärvi, A.; Alm, J.; Lindblad, F.; Olén, O.
Irritable bowel syndrome and functional abdominal pain in five-year-old children are related to lifestyle
Acta Paediatr, 2016, 105(8), 971-978
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Beobachtungsstudie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Lifestyle, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Reizdarmsyndrom
32 Rutten, J.M.T.M.; Vlieger, A.M.; Frankenhuis, C.; George, E.K.; Groeneweg, M.; Norbruis, O.F.; Tjon a Ten, W.; Wering, H.M. van; Dijkgraaf, M.G.W.; Merkus, M.P.; Benninga, M.A.
Home-based hypnotherapy self-exercises vs individual hypnotherapy with a therapist for treatment of pediatric irritable bowel syndrome, functional abdominal pain, or functional abdominal pain syndrome
A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Pediatr, 2017, 171(5), 470-477
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
33 Schumann, D.; Langhorst, J.; Dobos, G.; Cramer, H.
Randomised clinical trial
Yoga vs a low-FODMAP diet in patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2018, 47(2), 203-211
Diät, Ernährung/Diät, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga, FODMAP
34 Gulewitsch, M.D.; Schlarb, A.A.
Comparison of gut-directed hypnotherapy and unspecific hypnotherapy as self-help format in children and adolescents with functional abdominal pain or irritable bowel syndrome
A randomized pilot study
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2017, 29(29), 1351-1360
Bauchschmerz (unspezifisch), Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
35 Evans, S.; Seidman, L.C.; Lung, K.; Sternlieb, B.; Zeltzer, L.K.
Yoga for teens with irritable bowel syndrome
Results from a mixed-methods pilot study
Holist Nurs Pract, 2018, 32(5), 253-260
Jugendmedizin, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Meditation, Mind-Body-Medizin, Pädiatrie, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom, Yoga
36 Flik, C.E.; Laan, W.; Zuithoff, N.P.A.; Rood, Y.R. van; Smout, A.J.P.M.; Weusten, B.L.A.M.; Whorwell, P.J.; Wit, N.J. de
Efficacy of individual and group hypnotherapy in irritable bowel syndrome (IMAGINE)
A multicentre randomised controlled trial
Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2019, 4(1), 20-31
Hypnose, Hypnotherapie, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
37 Holmes, H.J.; Thakur, E.R.; Carty, J.N.; Ziadni, M.S.; Doherty, H.K.; Lockhart, N.A.
Ambivalence over emotional expression and perceived social constraints as moderators of relaxation training and emotional awareness and expression training for irritable bowel syndrome
Gen Hosp Psychiatry, 2018, 53, 38-43
Entspannung, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom
38 McDonald, E.; Teets, R.; Ortiz, C.; Gilchrist, C.; Waltermaurer, E.; Perez, E.; Kligler, B.
A randomized trial of a group-based integrative medicine approach compared to waitlist control on irritable bowel syndrome symptoms in adults
Explore, 2018, 14(6), 406-413
Ernährung/Diät, Klinische Forschung, Komplementärmedizin, Magen-Darm/Verdauung, Mind-Body-Medizin, Randomisierte Studie, Reizdarmsyndrom