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1 Toelg, M.; Antonu, H.; Reiss, B.; Ramos, M.H.
Lebensqualität von Tumorpatientinnen unter begleitender Misteltherapie
Ergebnisse einer prospektiven, nicht randomisierten, kontrollierten, offenen Studie (AWB) mit Iscador M
Schweiz Z Ganzheitsmed, 2005, 17(5), 294-299
Breast cancer, Ovarian cancer, Cervical cancer, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mistletoe therapy, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Viscum, Viscum album, Iscador
2 Reshma, K.; Rao, A.V.; Dinesh, M.; Vasudevan, D.M.
Effect of withaferin, a radiosensitizer, on ther erythrocyte antioxidants in carcinoma of uterine cervix
Biomed Res, 2007, 18(3), 175-178
Cervical cancer, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Withania, Withania somnifera
3 Bahall, M.
Prevalence, patterns, and perceived value of complementary and alternative medicine among cancer patients
A cross-sectional, descriptive study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2017, 17 (345), (epub)
Breast cancer, Bowel cancer, Assesment, Cervical cancer, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Patient satisfaction, Phytomedicine, Prevalence