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1 Agarwal, R.; Singh, S.P.; Saran, R.K.; Das, S.K.; Asthana, N.S.O.P.; Gupta, P.P.; Nityanand, S.; Dhawan, B.N.; Agarwal, S.S.
Clinical trials of gugulipid
A new hypolipidemic agent of plant origin in primary hyperlipidemia
Ind J Med Res, 1986, 84, 626-634
Ayurveda, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cammophora, Cammophora mukul, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
2 Gopal, K.; Saran, R.K.; Nityanand, S.; Gupta, P.P.; Hasan, M.; Das, S.K.; Agarwal, S.S.
Clinical trials of ethyl acetate extract of gum gugulu (gugulipid) in primary hyperlipedemia
J Assoc Phys Ind, 1986, 34(4), 249-251
Angina pectoris, Ayurveda, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cammophora, Cammophora mukul, Heart attack, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
3 Grossman, E.; Rosenthal, T.; Peleg, E.; Holmes, C.; Goldstein, D.
Oral yohimbine increases blood pressure und sympathetic nervous outflow in hypertensive patients
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol, 1993, 22, 22-26
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Yohimbinum hydrochloricum
4 Yang, Y.-C.; Lu, F.-H.; Wu, J.-S.; Wu, C.-H.; Chang, C.-J.
The protective effect of habitual tea consumption on hypertension
Arch Intern Med, 2004, 164, 1534-1540
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Retrospective design, Tea
5 Psaltopoulou, T.; Naska, A.; Orfanos, P.; Trichopoulos, D.; Mountokalakis, T.; Trchopoulou, A.
Olive oil, the Mediterranean diet, and arterial blood pressure
The Greek European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutririon (EPIC) study
Am J Clin Nutr, 2004, 80, 1012-1018
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Diet, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mediterranian diet, Oil, olive, green, Oleum oliva, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Retrospective design, Olea
6 Pedrinelli, R.; Taddei, S.; Salvetti, A.
Sympathetic vasoconstriction as a mechanism of action of ouabain in forearm arterioles of hypertensive patients
Clin Sci, 1989, 77(5), 541-545
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Strophantus
7 Chrubasik, S.; Droste, C.; Dragano, N.; Glimm, E.; Black, A.
Effectiveness and tolerability of the herbal mixture Asparagus P((R)) on blood pressure in treatment-requiring antihypertensives
Phytomed, 2006, 13(9-10), 740-742
Asparagus, Asparagus P, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, parsley, Phytomedicine, Adverse effect
8 Raja, B.; Kaviarasan, K.; Arjunan, M.M.; Pugalendi, K.V.
Effect of Melothria maderaspatana leaf-tea consumption on blood pressure, lipid profile, anthropometry, fibrinogen, bilirubin, and albumin levels in patients with hypertension
J Altern Complement Med, 2007, 13(3), 349-354
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Melothria maderaspatana, Phytomedicine, Tea
9 Sankar, D.; Rao, M.R.; Sambandam, G.; Pugalendi, K.V.
A pilot study of open label sesame oil in hypertensive diabetics
J Med Food, 2006, 9, 408-412
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Diabetes mellitus, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Oil, Phytomedicine, Sesamum indicum, Metabolic diseases
10 Torres-Duran, P.V.; Ferreira-Hermosillo, A.; Juarez-Oropeza, M.A.
Antihyperlipemic and antihypertensive effects of Spirulina maxima in an open sample of mexican population
A preliminary report
Lipids Health Dis, 2007, 6, 33; (1-26)
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Hyperlipoproteinemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Spirulina, Spirulina maxima, Metabolic diseases
11 Chrubasik, S.; Droste, C.; Black, A.
Asparagus PR cannot compete with first-line diuretics in lowering the blood pressure in treatment-requiring antihypertensives
Phytother Res, 2009, 23(9), 1345-1346
Asparagus, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, parsley, Phytomedicine, Adverse effect
12 Wittig, H.-H.
Die symptomatische Therapie der Hochdruckkrankheit mit einer Knoblauch-Mistel-Chlorophyll-Kombination
Hippokrates, 1955, 26(22), 688-690
Allium, Allium sativum, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Chlorophyllinum, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Viscum, Viscum album
13 Shikov, A.N.; Pozhariskaya, O.N.; Makarov, V.G.; Demchenko, D.V.; Shikh, E.V.
Effect of Leonurus cardiaca oil extract in patients with arterial hypertension accompanied by anxiety and sleep disorders
Phytother Res, 2011, 25(4), 540-543
Anxiety, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Leonurus, Leonurus cardiaca, Oil, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders
14 Guessous, I.; Dobrinas, M.; Kutalik, Z.; Pruijm, M.; Ehret, G.; Maillard, M.; Bergmann, S.; Beckmann, J.S.; Cusi, D.; Rizzi, F.; Cappuccio, F.; Cornuz, J.; Paccaud, F.; Mooser, V.; Gaspoz, J.-M.; Waeber, G.; Burnier, M.; Vollenweider, P.; Eap, C.B.; Bochud, M.
Caffeine intake and CYP1A2 variants associated with high caffeine intake protect non-smokers from hypertension
Hum Mol Genet, 2012, 21(14), 3283-3292
Observational trial, Biology/Biological Sciences, High blood pressure, Coffea, Coffeinum, Nutrition/diet, Genetics, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention
15 Cho, M.-Y.; Min, E.S.; Hur, M.-H.; Lee, M.S.
Effects of aromatherapy on the anxiety, vital signs, and sleep quality of percutaneous coronary intervention patients in intensive care units
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 381381, (1-6)
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Intensivmedizin
16 Misaka, S.; Yatabe, J.; Müller, F.; Takano, K.; Kawabe, K.; Glaeser, H.; Yatabe, M.S.; Onoue, S.; Werba, J.P.; Watanabe, H.; Yamada, S.; Fromm, M.F.; Kimura, J.
Green tea ingestion greatly reduces plasma concentrations of nadolol in healthy subjects
Clin Pharmacol Ther, 2014, 95(4), 432-438
Arzneimittelwechselwirkung, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pharmacology, Phytomedicine, Tea, Pharmacocinetics
17 Stuglin, C.; Prasad, K.
Effect of flaxseed consumption on blood pressure, serum lipids, hemopoietic system and liver and kidney enzymes in healthy humans
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther, 2005, 10(1), 23-27
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Healthy probands, Urinary tract, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypercholesterolemia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Liver, Linum usitatissimum, Gastrointestinal tract, Kidney, Phytomedicine, Metabolic diseases
18 Asgary, S.; Keshvari, M.; Sahebkar, A.; Hashemi, M.; Rafieian-Kopaei, M.
Clinical investigation of the acute effects of pomegranate juice on blood pressure and endothelial function in hypertensive individuals
ARYA Atheroscler, 2013, 9(6), 326-331
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Punica granatum
19 Medina-Remón, A.; Vallverdú-Queralt, A.; Sacanella, E.; Covas, M.I.; Corella, D.; Salas-Salvadó, J.; Gómez-Gracia, E.; Ruiz-Gutiérrez, V.; Lapetra, J.; García-Valdueza, M.; Arós, F.; Saez, G.T.; Serra-Majem, L.; Pinto, X.; Vinyoles
Gazpacho consumption is associated with lower blood pressure and reduced hypertension in a high cardiovascular risk cohort
Cross-sectional study of the PREDIMED trial
Nutr Metabol Cardiovasc Dis, 2013, 23, 944-952
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Solanum, Solanum lycopersicum
20 Matsusima, A.; Furuuchi, R.; Sakaguchi, Y.; Goto, H.; Yokoyama, T.; Nishida, H.; Hirayama, M.
Acute and chronic flow-mediated dilation and blood pressure responses to daily intake of boysenberry juice
A preliminary study
Food Sci Nutr, 2013, 64(8), 988-992
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Nutrition/diet, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, blackberry, Juice/distillate, Rubus ursinus x idaeus
21 Liu, G.; Mi, X.N.; Zheng, X.X.; Xu, Y.L.; Lu, J.; Huang, X.H.
Effects of tea intake on blood pressure
A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Br J Nutr, 2014, 112(7), 1043-1054
High blood pressure, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Phytomedicine
22 Joven, J.; March, I.; Espinel, E.; Fernández-Arroyo, S.; Rodríguez-Gallego, E.; Aragonès, G.; Beltrán-Debón, R.; Alonso-Villaverde, C.; Rios, L.; Martin-Paredero, V.; Menedez, J.A.; Micol, V.; Segura-Carretero, A.; Camps, J.
Hibiscus sabdariffa extract lowers blood pressure and improves endothelial function
Mol Nutr Food Res, 2014, 58(6), 1374-1378
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Experiment, Basic Research, Cardiovascular diseases, Hibiscus, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Animal
23 Li, W.; Yang, J.; Zhu, X.S.; Li, S.C.; Ho, P.C.
Correlation between tea consumption and prevalence of hypertension among Singaporean Chinese residents aged ⩾40 years
J Hum Hypertens, 2015, 30, 11-17
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Camellia, Camellia sinensis, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Tea
24 Kardum, N.; Milovanović, B.; Savikin, K.; Zdunić, G.; Mutavdzin, S.; Gligorijević, T.; Spasić, S.
Beneficial effects of polyphenol-rich chokeberry juice consumption on blood pressure level and lipid status in hypertensive subjects
J Med Food, 2015, 18(11), 1231-1238
Aronia, Aronia melanocarpa, Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Juice/distillate
25 Cabrera-Vique, C.; Navarro-Alarcón, M.; Martínez, C.R.; Fonollá-Joya, J.
Hypotensive effect of an extract of bioactive compounds of olive leaves: preliminary clinical study
Efecto hipotensor de un extracto de componentes bioactivos de hojas de olivo: estudio clínico preliminar
Nutr Hosp, 2015, 21(1), 242-249
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, olive, green, Phytomedicine, Olea
26 Oki, T.; Kano, M.; Watanabe, O.; Goto, K.; Boelsma, E.; Ishikawa, F.; Suda, I.
Effect of consuming a purple-fleshed sweet potato beverage on health-related biomarkers and safety parameters in Caucasian subjects with elevated levels of blood pressure and liver function biomarkers
A 4-week, open-label, non-comparative trial
Biosci Microbiot, 2016, 35(3), 129-136
Observational trial, High blood pressure, Homespun remedies, Cardiovascular diseases, Ipomoea, Ipomoea batatas, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Liver, Gastrointestinal tract, Phytomedicine, Juice/distillate, Traditional medicine, Potato Juice
27 Loo, B.M.; Erlund, I.; Koli, R.; Puukka, P.; Hellström, J.; Wähälä, K.; Mattila, P.; Jula, A.
Consumption of chokeberry (Aronia mitschurinii) products modestly lowered blood pressure and reduced low-grade inflammation in patients with mildly elevated blood pressure
Nutr Res, 2016, 36(11), 1222-1230
Aronia, Aronia mitschurinii, High blood pressure, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled