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201 Wang, Y.; Fan, R.; Huang, X.
Meta-analysis of the clinical effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine formula Chaihu-Shugan-San in depression
J Ethnopharmacol, 2012, 141(2), 571-577
Chaihu-Shugan-San, Depression, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Mental diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
202 Rapaport, M.H.; Nierenberg, A.A.; Howland, R.; Dording, C.; Schettler, P.J.; Mischoulon, D.
The treatment of minor depression with St. John's wort or citalopram
Failure to show benefit over placebo
J Psychiatr Res, 2011, 45(7), 931-941
Depression, Hypericum, St John's wort, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
203 Keune, P.M.; Bostanov, V.; Hautzinger, M.; Kotchoubey, B.
Mindfulness-based congnitiv therapy (MBCT), cognitive style, and the temporal dynamics of frontal EEG alpha asymmetry in recurrently depressed patients
Biol Psychol, 2011, 88(2-3), 243-252
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Brain, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Physiology, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
204 Hongratanaworakit, T.
Aroma-therapeutic effects of massage blended essential oils on humans
Nat Prod Commun, 2011, 6(8), 1199-1204
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Citrus, Citrus bergamia, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lavendula, Lavendula angustifolia, Manual therapy, Massage, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Vegetative nervous system
205 Kidd, L.I.; Zauszniewski, J.A.; Morris, D.L.
Benefits of a poetry writing intervention for family caregivers of elders in dementia
Issues Ment Health Nurs, 2011, 32(9), 598-604
Dementia, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Writing therapy
206 Ko, H.J.; Youn, C.H.
Effects of laughter therapy on depression, cognition and sleep among the community-dwelling, elderly
Geriatr Gerontol Int, 2011, 11(3), 267-274
Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, laughter therapy
207 Feng, Y.; Wang, X.Y.; Li, S.D.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, H.M.; Li, M.; Cao, K.; Ye, Y.F.; Zhang, Z.
Clinical research of acupuncture on malignant tumor patients for improving depression and sleep quality
J Trad Chin Med, 2011, 31(3), 199-202
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
208 Erkkilä, J.; Punkmanen, M.; Fachner, J.; Ala-Ruona, E.; Pöntiö, I.; Tervaniemi, M.; Vanhala, M.; Gold, C.
Individual music therapy for depression
Randomised controlled trial
Brit J Psychiatry, 2011, 199(2), 132-139
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
209 Cerda, P. de la; Cervelló, E.; Cocca, A.; Viciana, J.
Effect of an aerobic training program as complementary therapy in patients with moderate depression
Percept Motor Skills, 2011, 112(3), 761-769
Exercise therapy, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
210 Stein, T.R.; Olivo, E.L.; Grand, S.H.; Namerow, P.B.; Costa, J.; Oz, M.C.
A pilot study to assess the effects of a guided imagery audiotape intervention on psychological outcomes in patients undergoing coronar artery bypass graft surgery
Holist Nurs Pract, 2010, 24(4), 213-222
Anxiety, Surgery, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Coronary heart disease, Mind-body medicine, Music therapy, Postoperative complaints, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
211 Dimpfel, W.; Koch, K.; Weiss, G.
Early effect of NEURAPAS ((R)) balance on current source density (CSD) of human EEG
BMC Psychiatry, 2011, 11, 123; (1-15)
Anxiety, Depression, Brain, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Neurapas balance, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
212 Sahdra, B.K.; MacLean, K.A.; Ferrer, E.; Shaver, P.R.; Rosenberg, E.L.; Jacobs, T.L.; Zanesco, A.P.; King, B.G.; Aichele, S.R.; Bridwell, D.A.; Mangun, G.R.; Lavy, S.; Wallace, B.A.; Saron, C.D.
Enhanced response inhibition during intensive meditation training predicts improvements in self-reported adaptive socioemotional functioning
Emotion, 2011, 11(2), 299-312
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy
213 Porter, RJ.; Gallagher, P.; O'Brien, J.T.
Effects of rapid tryptophan depletion on salivary cortisol in older people recovered from depression, and the healthy elderly
J Psychopharmacol, 2007, 21(1), 71-75
Depression, Endocrinology, Nutrition/diet, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Nervous system, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Tryptophan, Cortisone
214 Zhang, M.; Robitaille, L.; Eintracht, S.; Hoffer, L.J.
Vitamin C provision improves mood in acutely hospitalized patients
Nutrition, 2011, 27(5), 530-533
Acidum, Acidum ascorbicum, Calciferol, Depression, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Vitamins
215 Tsang, H.W.; Fung, K.M.; Chan, A.S.; Lee, G.; Chan, F.
Effect of qigong exercise programme on elderly with depression
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2006, 21(9), 890-897
Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
216 Hou, W.H.; Chiang, P.T.; Hsu, T.Y.; Chiu, S.Y.; Yen, Y.C.
Treatment effects of massage therapy in depressed people
A meta-analysis
J Clin Psych, 2010, 71(7), 894-901
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Meta-analysis, Mental diseases
217 Chou, K.L.
Effect of Tai Chi on depressive symptoms amongst Chinese older patients with major depression
The role of social support
Med Sport Sci, 2008, 52, 146-154
Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
218 Roberts-Wolfe, D.; Sacchet, M.; Hastings, E.; Roth, H.; Britton, W.
Mindfulness training alters emotional memory recall compared to active controls
Support for an emotional information processing model of mindfulness
Front Hum Neurosci, 2012, 6, 15; (1-13)
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases
219 Rani, K.; Tiwari, S.C.; Singh, U.; Singh, I.; Srivastava, N.
Yoga Nidra as a complementary treatment of anxiety and depressive symptoms in patients with menstrual disorder
Int J Yoga, 2012, 5(1), 52-56
Anxiety, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Menstrual disorders, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Yoga
220 Lolak, S.; Connors, G.L.; Sheridan, M.J.; Wise, T.N.
Effects of progressive muscle relaxation training on anxiety and depression in patients enrolled in an outpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program
Psychother Psychosom, 2008, 77(2), 119-125
Anxiety, Respiratory diseases, Depression, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation
221 Howells, F.M.; Ives-Deliperi, V.L.; Horn, N.R.; Stein, D.J.
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy improves frontal control in bipolar disorder
A pilot EEG study
BMC Psychiatry, 2012, 12(1), 15; (1-8)
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Brain, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mania, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy
222 Lavretsky, H.; Epel, E.S.; Siddarth, P.; Nazarian, N.; Cyr, N.S.; Khalsa, D.S.; Lin, J.; Blackburn, E.; Irwin, M.R.
A pilot study of yogic meditation for family dementia caregivers with depressive symptoms
Effects on mental health, cognition, and telomerase activity
Int J Geriatr Psych, 2013, 28(1), 57-65
Dementia, Depression, Relaxation, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
223 Field, T.; Diego, M.; Hernandez-Reif, M.; Medina, L.; Delgado, J.; Hernandez, A.
Yoga and massage therapy reduce prenatal depression and prematurity
J Bodyw Mov Ther, 2012, 16(2), 204-209
Depression, Premature delivery, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Obstetrics, Yoga
224 Harris, E.; Kirk, J.; Rowsell, R.; Vitetta, L.; Sali, A.; Scholey, A.B.; Pipingas, A.
The effect of multivitamin supplementation on mood and stress in healthy older men
Hum Psychopharmacol, 2011, 26(8), 560-567
Andrology, Anxiety, Depression, Nutrition/diet, Geriatrics, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Vitamins
225 Tekur, P.; Nagarathna, R.; Chametcha, S.; Hankey, A.; Nagendra, H.R.
A comprehensive yoga programs improves pain, anxiety and depression in chronic low back pain patients more than exercise
Complement Ther Med, 2012, 20(3), 107-118
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain, Yoga, Chronic pain
226 López-Sendín, N.; Alburquerque-Sendín, F.; Cleland, J.A.; Fernández-de-Las-Penas, C.
Effects of physical therapy on pain and mood in patients with terminal cancer
A pilot randomized clinical trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2012, 18(5), 480-486
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Manual therapy, Massage, Palliative care, Physiotherapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain
227 Kemppainen, J.; Bormann, J.E.; Shively, M.; Kelly, A.; Becker, S.; Bone, P.; Belding, W.; Gifford, A.L.
Living with HIV
Responses to a mantram intervention using the critical incident research method
J Altern Complement Med, 2012, 18(1), 76-82
Anxiety, Praying, Depression, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Mantra meditation
228 Chan, A.S.; Wong, Q.Y.; Sze, S.L.; Kwong, P.P.; Han, Y.M.; Cheung, M.C.
A Chinese Chan-based mind-body intervention improves sleep on patients with depression
A randomized controlled trial
Scientific World J, 2012, 2012, 235206; (1-10)
Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
229 Zhang, G.C.; Fu, W.B.; Xu, N.G.; Liu, J.H.; Zhu, X.P.; Liang, Z.H.; Huang, Y.F.; Chen, Y.F.
Meta analysis of the curative effect of acupuncture on post-stroke depression
J Trad Chin Med, 2012, 32(1), 6-11
Acupuncture, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Mental diseases, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Traditional Chinese medicine
230 Smith, J.A.; Greer, T.; Sheets, T.; Watson, S.
Is there more to yoga than exercise?
Altern Ther Health Med, 2011, 17(3), 22-29
Anxiety, Depression, Endocrinology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga, Cortisone
231 Putiri, A.L.; Lovejoy, J.C.; Gillham, S.; Sasagawa, M; Bradley, R.; Sun, G.-C.
Psychological effects of Yi Ren medical Qigong and progressive resistance training in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus
A randomized controlled pilot study
Altern Ther Health Med, 2012, 18(1), 30-34
Depression, Diabetes mellitus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Stress, Traditional Chinese medicine
232 Manicavasagar, V.; Perich, T.M.; Parker, G.
Cognitive predictors of change in cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression
Behav Cogn Psychother, 2012, 40(2), 227-232
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
233 Agosta, C.; Atlante, M.; Benvenuti, C.
Randomized controlled study on clinical efficacy of isoflavones plus Lactobacillus sporogenes, associated or not with a natural anxiolytic agent in menopause
Minerva Ginecol, 2011, 63(1), 11-18
Anxiety, Borderline syndrome, Calciferol, Calcium, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lactobacillus spec., Lactobacillus sporogenes, Magnolia, Magnolia officinalis, Menopause, Microbiological therapy, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders
234 Chan, W.; Immink, M.A.; Hillier, S.
Yoga and exercise for symptoms of depression and anxiety in people with poststroke disability
A randomized, controlled pilot trial
Altern Ther Health Med, 2012, 18(3), 34-43
Anxiety, Exercise therapy, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Yoga
235 Charalambous, A.
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery in improving psychological well-being and quality-of-life for breast and prostate cancer patients
Initial report
Eur J Integr Med, 2011, 3(3), e125 (Symposiumsbeitrag; Abstract)
Anxiety, Breast cancer, Depression, Relaxation, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Progressive muscle relaxation, Prostate cancer, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain, Stress
236 Boelens, P.A.; Reeves, R.R.; Replogle, W.H.; Koenig, H.G.
The effect of prayer on depression and anxiety
Maintenance of positive influence one year after prayer intervention
Int J Psychiatry Med, 2012, 43(1), 85-98
Anxiety, Praying, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
237 Chalder, M.; Wiles, N.J.; Campbell, J.; Hollinghurst, S.P.; Haase, A.M.; Taylor, A.H.; Fox, K.R.; Costello, C.; Searle, A.; Baxter, H.; Winder, R.; Wright, C.; Turner, K.M.; Calnan, M.; Lawlor, D.A.; Peters, T.J.; Sharp, D.J.; Montgomery, A.A.; Lewis, G.
Facilitated physical activity as a treatment for depressed adults
Randomised controlled trial
BMJ, 2012, 344, e2758; (1-13)
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
238 Conrad, P.; Adams, C.
The effects of clinical aromatherapy for anxiety and depression in the high risk postpartum woman
A pilot study
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2012, 18(3), 164-168
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Obstetrics
239 Blumenthal, J.A.; Babyak, M.A.; O'Connor, C.; Keteyian, S.; Landzberg, J.; Howlett, J.; Kraus, W.; Gottlieb, S.; Blackburn, G.; Swank, A.; Whellan, D.J.
Effects of exercise training on depressive symptoms in patients with chronic heart failure
The HF-ACTION randomized trial
JAMA, 2012, 308(5), 465-474
Exercise therapy, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
240 Aalderen, J.R. van; Donders, A.R.; Giommi, F.; Spinhoven, P.; Barendregt, H.P.; Speckens, A.E.
The efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in recurrent depressed patients with and without a current depressive episode
A randomized controlled trial
Psychol Med, 2012, 42(5), 989-1001
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
241 Serfaty, M.; Wilkinson, S.; Freeman, C.; Mannix, K.; King, M.
The ToT study: helping with Touch or Talk (ToT)
A pilot randomised controlled trial to examine the clinical effectiveness of aromatherapy massage versus cognitive behaviour therapy for emotional distress in patients in cancer/palliative care
Psychooncol, 2012, 21(5), 563-569
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Manual therapy, Massage, Palliative care, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Stress
242 Kannappan, R.; Rani, G.
Intervention strategies for depression among homoeopathic female students
J Psychol Res, 2009, 53(1), 31-37
Depression, Gynaecology, Homeopathy, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
243 Amsterdam, J.D.; Shults, J.; Soeller, I.; Mao, J.J.; Rockwell, K.; Newberg, A.B.
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) may provide antidepressant activity in anxious, depressed humans
An exploratory study
Altern Ther Health Med, 2012, 18(5), 44-49
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Matricaria, Matricaria recutita, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
244 Redwine, L.S.; Tsuang, M.; Rusiewicz, A.; Pandzic, I.; Cammarata, S.; Rutledge, T.; Hong, S.; Linke, S.; Mills, P.J.
A pilot study exploring the effects of a 12-week T'ai Chi intervention on somatic symptoms of depression in patients with heart failure
J Altern Complement Med, 2012, 18(8), 744-748
Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Heart failure, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Psychosomatic medicine, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
245 Chiesa, A.; Mandelli, L.; Serretti, A.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus psycho-education for patients with major depression who did not achieve remission following antidepressant treatment
A preliminary analysis
J Altern Complement Med, 2012, 18(8), 756-760
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
246 Huo, Z.J.; Guo, J.; Li, D.
Effects of acupuncture with meridian acupoints and three Anmian acupoints on insomnia and related depression and anxiety state
Chin J Integr Med, 2012, 18(8), 187-191
Acupuncture, Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
247 Campbell, T.S.; Labelle, L.E.; Bacon, S.L.; Faris, P.; Carlson, L.E.
Impact of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) on attention, rumination and resting blood pressure in women with cancer
A waitlist-controlled study
J Behav Med, 2012, 35(3), 262-271
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Stress, Vegetative nervous system
248 Gayner, B.; Esplen, M.J.; DeRoche, P.; Wong, J.; Bishop, S.; Kavanagh, L.; Butler, K.
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction to manage affective symptoms and improve quality of life in gay men living with HIV
J Behav Med, 2012, 35(3), 272-285
Mindfulness meditation, Andrology, Anxiety, Depression, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
249 Bowden, D.; Goddard, L.; Gruzelier, J.
A randomised controlled single-blind trial of the efficacy of reiki at benefitting mood and well-being
eCAM, 2011, 2011, 381862; (1-8)
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Reiki, Traditional Japanese medicine
250 Berner, M.M.
Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Metaanalyse
Die Behandlung von Depressionen mit Johanniskraut
NaturaMed, 2009, 24, 1-7
Depression, Hypericum, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases
251 Kou, M.J.; Chen, J.X.
Integrated traditional and western medicine for treatment of depression based on syndrome differentiation
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials based on the Hamilton depression scale
J Trad Chin Med, 2012, 32(1), 1-5
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Mental diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
252 Tanay, G.; Lotan, G.; Bernstein, A.
Salutary proximal processes and distal mood and anxiety vulnerability outcomes of mindfulness training
A pilot preventive intervention
Behav Ther, 2012, 43(3), 492-505
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Prevention, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
253 Warber, S.L.; Ingerman, S.; Moura, V.L.; Wunder, J.; Northrop, A.; Gillespie, B.W.; Durda, K.; Smith, K.; Rhodes, K.S.; Rubenfire, M.
Healing the Heart
A Randomized Pilot Study of a Spiritual Retreat for Depression in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients
Explore, 2011, 7(4), 222-233
Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Coronary heart disease, Lifestyle modification, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
254 Lyons, Z.; Watt, G. van der; Shen, Z.; Janca, A.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs as treatment for depression
An Australian pilot study
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2012, 18(4), 216-220
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
255 Licciardone, J.C.; Gatchel, R.J.; Kearns, C.M.; Minotti, D.E.
Depression, somatization, and somatic dysfunction in patients with nonspecific low back pain
Results from the OSTEOPATHIC trial
J Am Osteopath Assoc, 2012, 112(12), 783-791
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Osteopathy, Mental diseases, Psychosomatic medicine, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
256 Pinniger, R.; Brown, R.F.; Thorsteinsson, E.B.; McKinley, P.
Argentine tango dance compared to mindfulness meditation and a waiting-list control
A randomised trial for treating depression
Complement Ther Med, 2012, 20(6), 377-384
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Tanztherapie
257 Yeung, A.; Lepoutre, V.; Wayne, P.; Yeh, G.; Slipp, L.E.; Fava, M.; Denninger, J.W.; Benson, H.; Fricchione, G.L.
Tai chi treatment for depression in Chinese Americans
A pilot study
Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2012, 91(10), 863-870
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
258 SeyedAlinaghi, S.; Jam, S.; Foroughi, M.; Imani, A.; Mohraz, M.; Djavid, G.E.; Black, D.S.
Randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction delivered to human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients in Iran
Effects on CD4+ T lymphocyte count and medical and psychological symptoms
Psychosomatic Med, 2012, 74(6), 620-627
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, HIV, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
259 Zhang, J.; Yang, K.H.; Tian, J.H.; Wang, C.M.
Effects of yoga on psychologic function and quality of life in women with breast cancer
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
J Altern Complement Med, 2012, 18(11), 994-1002
Anxiety, Breast cancer, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Yoga
260 Baines, S.; Powers, J.; Brown, W.J.
How does the health and well-being of young Australian vegetarian and semi-vegetarian women compare with non-vegetarians?
Public Health Nutr, 2007, 10(5), 436-442
Depression, Nutrition/diet, Obesitiy, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menstrual disorders, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Metabolic diseases, Overweight, Vegetarianism
261 Carr, C.; d'Ardenne, P.; Sloboda, A.; Scott, C.; Wang, D.; Priebe, S.
Group music therapy for patients with persistent post-traumatic stress, disorder
An exploratory randomized controlled trial with mixed methods evaluation
Psychol Psychother, 2012, 85(2), 179-202
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Trauma
262 Pruthi, S.; Stan, D.L.; Jenkins, S.M.; Huebner, M.; Borg, B.A.; Thomley, B.S.; Cutshall, S.M.; Singh, R.; Kohli, S.; Boughey, J.C.; Lemaine, V.; Solberg Nes, L.
A randomized controlled pilot study assessing feasibility and impact of yoga practice on quality of life, mood, and perceived stress in women with newly diagnosed breast cancer
Global Adv Health Med, 2012, 1(5), 30-35
Anxiety, Breast cancer, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
263 McCraty, R.; Atkinson, M.
Resilience training program reduces physiological and psychological stress in police officers
Global Adv Health Med, 2012, 1(5), 44-66
Occupational health, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Psychosomatic medicine, Randomized trial, Stress, Vegetative nervous system
264 Han, C.-h.; Chung, M.-i.; Bose, S.; Lim, C.; Kim, H.; Koo, B.-S.; Pak, S.C.
The effect of Gami Guibitang (GGBT), a medicinal herbal formulation, on moderate depression
Eur J Integr Med, 2012, 4(4), e400-e407
Angelica, Angelica gigas, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Atractylodes macrocephala, Bupleurum, Depression, Ethnomedicine, Euphoria longan, Gami Guibitang, gardenia; cape jasmin, Glycyrrhiza, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Paeonia, Paeonia suffruticosa, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Polygala, Poria, Poria cocos, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Saussurea, Traditional Korean Medicine, Zizyphus, Zizyphus jujuba, Panax
265 Britton, W.B.; Haynes, P.L.; Fridel, K.W.; Bootzin, R.R.
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves polysomnographic and subjective sleep profiles in antidepressant users with sleep complaints
Psychother Psychosom, 2012, 81(5), 296-304
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders
266 Field, T.; Diego, M.; Delgado, J.; Medina, L.
Tai chi/yoga reduces prenatal depression, anxiety and sleep disturbances
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2013, 19, 6-10
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Obstetrics, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga
267 Chen, Z.; Meng, Z.; Milbury, K.; Bei, W.; Zhang, Y.; Thornton, B.; Liao, Z.; Wei, Q.; Chen, J.; Guo, X.; Liu, L.; McQuade, J.; Kirschbaum, C.; Cohen, L.
Qigong improves quality of life in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer
Results of a randomized controlled trial
Cancer, 2013, 119(9), 1690-1698
Breast cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
268 Sikoglu, E.M.; Jensen, J.E.; Vitaliano, G.; Liso Navarro, A.A.; Renshaw, P.F.; Frazier, J.A.; Moore, C.M.
Bioenergetic measurements in children with bipolar disorder
A pilot (31)p magnetic resonance spectroscopy study
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(1), e54536; (1-6)
Bioenergetics, Depression, Diagnostics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mania, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Mental diseases
269 Sutarto, A.P.; Wahab, M.N.; Zin, N.M.
Resonant breathing biofeedback training for stress reduction among manufacturing operators
Int J Occup Saf Ergon, 2012, 18(4), 549-561
Anxiety, Breathing therapy, Biofeedback, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
270 Cross, K.; Flores, R.; Butterfield, J.; Blackman, M.; Lee, S.
The effect of passive listening versus active observation of music and dance performances on memory recognition and mild to moderate depression in cognitively impaired older adults
Psychol Rep, 2012, 111(2), 413-423
Dementia, Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Tanztherapie
271 Geschwind, N.; Peeters, F.; Huibers, M.; Os, J. van; Wichers, M.
Efficacy of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in relation to prior history of depression
Ranomised controlled trial
Brit J Psychiatry, 2012, 201(4), 320-325
Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
272 Kasper, S.; Dienel, A.
Silexan (WS 1265) vermindert begleitende depressive Symptome bei Patienten mit Angsterkrankungen
Z Phytother, 2013, 34(Suppl. 1), s8 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Anxiety, Concomitant symptoms, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lavendula, Lavendula angustifolia, Meta-analysis, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases
273 Qu, S.S.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, Z.J.; Chen, J.Q.; LIn, R.Y.; Wang, C.Q.; Li, G.L.; Wong, H.K.; Zhao, C.H.; Pan, J.Y.; Guo, S.C.; Zhang, Y.C.
A 6-week randomized controlled trial with 4-week follow-up of acupuncture combined with paroxetine in patients with major depressive disorder
J Psychiatr Res, 2013, 47(6), 726-732
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
274 Kim, S.-H.; Park, Y.-C.; Hong, K.-E.; Kang, W.; Lee, S.R.; Jung, I.C.
The effect of Bunsimgi-eum on Hwa-byung
Randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial
J Ethnopharmacol, 2013, 144(2), 402-407
Anxiety, Bunsimgi-eum, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Traditional Korean Medicine, Trauma
275 Walker, J.G.; Batterham, P.J.; Mackinnon, A.J.; Jorm, A.F.; Hickie, I.; Fenech, M.; Kljakovic, M.; Crisp, D.; Christensen, H.
Oral folic acid and vitamin B-12 supplementation to prevent cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults with depressive symptoms - the Beyond Aging Project
A randomized controlled trial
Am J Clin Nutr, 2012, 95(1), 194-203
Cyanocobalamin, Dementia, Depression, Nutrition/diet, folic acid, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Nervous system, Prevention, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Vitamins
276 Poland, R.E.; Gertsik, L.; Favreau, J.T.; Smith, S.I.; Mirocha, J.M.; Rao, U.; Daar, E.S.
Open-label, randomized, parallel-group controlled clinical trial of massage for treatment of depression in HIV-infected subjects
J Altern Complement Med, 2013, 19(4), 334-340
Depression, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
277 Taavoni, S.; Darsareh, F.; Joolaee, S.; Haghani, H.
The effect of aromatherapy massage on the psychological symptoms of postmenopausal Iranian women
Complement Ther Med, 2013, 21(3), 158-163
Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Depression, Geranium, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lavendula, Manual therapy, Massage, Menopause, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rosa, rosemary
278 Siddarth, D.; Siddarth, P.; Lavretsky, H.
An observational study of the health benefits of yoga or tai chi compared with aerobic exercise in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults
Am J Geriatr Psychiatry, 2014, 22(3), 272-273
Exercise therapy, Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga
279 Gallegos, A.M.; Hoerger, M.; Talbot, N.L.; Moynihan, J.A.; Duberstein, P.R.
Emotional benefits of mindfulness-based stress reduction in older adults
The moderating roles of age and depressive symptom severity
Aging Ment Health, 2013, 17(7), 823-829
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
280 Dennis, A.A.; Astell, A.; Dritschel, B.
The effects of imagery on problem-solving ability and autobiographical memory
J Behav Ther Exp Psychiat, 2012, 43(Suppl 1), S4-S11
Depression, Brain, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases
281 Kinser, P.A.; Bourguignon, C.; Whaley, D.; Hauenstein, E.; Taylor, A.G.
Feasibility, acceptibility, and effects of gentle hatha yoga for women with major depression
Findings from a randomized controlled mixed-methods study
Arch Phsychiatr Nurs, 2013, 27(3), 137-147
Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Yoga
282 Würtzen, H.; Dalton, S.O.; Elsass, P.; Sumbundu, A.D.; Steding-Jensen, M.; Karlsen, R.V.; Andersen, K.K.; Flyger, H.L.; Pedersen, A.E.; Johansen, C.
Mindfulness significantly reduces self-reported levels of anxiety and depression
Results of a randomized controlled trial among 336 Danish women for stage I-III breast cancer
Eur J Cancer, 2013, 49(6), 1365-1373
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Breast cancer, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
283 Bosch, P.; Luijtelaar, G. van; Noort, M. van den; Lim, S.; Egger, J. Coenen, A.
Sleep ameliorating effects of acupuncture in a psychiatric population
eCAM, 2013, 2013, 969032; (1-12)
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Schizophrenia, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
284 Cramer, H.; Lauche, R.; Langhorst, J.; Dobos, G.; Paul, A.
Quality of life and mental health in patients with chronic diseases who regularly practice yoga and those who do not
A case-control study
eCAM, 2013, 2013, 702914; (1-7)
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
285 Quah-Smith, I.; Suo, C.; Williams, M.A.; Sachdev, P.S.
The antidepressant effect of laser acupuncture
A comparison of the resting brain's default mode network in healthy and depressed subjects during functional magnetic resonance imaging
Med Acupunct, 2013, 25(2), 124-133
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
286 Quah-Smith, I.; Smith, C.; Crawford, J.D.; Russell, J.
Laser acupuncture for depression
A randomised double blind controlled trial using low intensity laser intervention
J Affect Disord, 2013, 148, 179-187
Acupuncture, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
287 Macías-Cortés, E. del C.; Aguilar-Faisal, L.; Asbun-Bojalil, J.
Efficacy of individualized homeopathic treatment and fluoxetine for moderate to severe depression in peri- and postmenopausal women (HOMDEP-MENOP)
Study protocol for a randomized, double-dummy, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Trials, 2013, 14(1), 105; (1-8) (Studienprotokoll)
Acidum, Acidum phosphoricum, Aurum, Aurum metallicum, Calcium, Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni, Black cohosh, Coffea, Conium, Depression, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Gynaecology, Helonias dioica, Homeopathy, Kalium, Kalium carbonicum, Kalium phosphoricum, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lachesis, Lilium, Lilium tigrinum, Lycopodium, Menopause, Murex purpureus, Natrium, sodium chloride, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Placebo-controlled, Platinum, Mental diseases, Pulsatilla, Randomized trial, Sanguinaria, Sepia, Spigelia, Staphisagria
288 Chan, J.S.M.; Ho, R.T.H.; Wang, C.-W.; Yuen, L.P.; Sham, J.S.T.; Chan, C.L.W.
Effects of qigong exercise on fatigue, anxiety, and depressive symptoms of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome-like illness
A randomized controlled trial
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 485341, (1-8)
Anxiety, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Qi Gong, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
289 Khoury, B.; Lecomte, T.; Fortin, G.; Masse, M.; Therien, P.; Bouchard, V.; Chapleau, M.A.; Paquin, K.; Hofmann, S.G.
Mindfulness-based therapy
A comprehensive meta-analysis
Clin Psychol Rev, 2013, 33(6), 763-771
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
290 Patron, E.; Messerotti Benvenuti, S.; Favretto, G.; Valfré, C.; Bonfà, C.; Gasparotto, R.; Palomba, D.
Biofeedback assisted control of respiratory sinus arrhythmia as a biobehavioral intervention for depressive symptoms in patients after cardiac surgery
A preliminary study
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2013, 38(1), 1-9
Biofeedback, Depression, Cardiovascular diseases, Cardiac arrhythmia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Postoperative complaints, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
291 Lodan, R.
Homeopath, 1990, 10(1), 3-5
Anxiety, Cyclamen, Depression, Case report, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Mental diseases, Repertorization
292 Chan, A.S.; Wong, Q.Y.; Sze, S.L.; Kwong, P.P.K.; Han, Y.M.Y.; Cheung, M.-C.
A Chinese Chan-based mind-body intervention for patients with depression
J Affect Disord, 2012, 142, 283-289
Depression, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
293 MacPherson, H.; Elliot, B.; Hopton, A.; Lansdown, H.; Richmond, S.
Acupuncture for depression
Patterns of diagnosis and treatment within a randomised controlled trial
eCAM, 2013, Article ID 286048, (1-9)
Acupuncture, Depression, Diagnostics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
294 Chung, K.-F.; Yeung, W.-F.; Zhang, Z.-J.; Yung, K.-P.; Man, S.-C.; Lee, C.-P.; Lam, S.-K.; Leung, T.-W.; Leung, K.-Y.; Ziea, E.T.-C.; Wong, V.T.
Randomized non-invasive sham-controlled pilot trial of electroacupuncture for postpartum depression
J Affect Disord, 2012, 142, 115-121
Acupuncture, Depression, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
295 Perich, T.; Manicavasagar, V.; Mitchell, P.B.; Ball, J.R.; Hadzi-Pavlovic, D.
A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder
Acta Psychiatr Scand, 2013, 127(5), 333-343
Mindfulness meditation, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mania, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial
296 Tsang, H.W.H.; Cheung, W.M.; Chan, A.H.L.; Fung, K.M.T.; Leung, A.Y.; Au, D.W.H.
A pilot evaluation on a stress management programme using a combined approach of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) for elementary school teachers
Stress Health, 2015, 31(1), 35-43
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Anxiety, Aromatherapy, Depression, Relaxation, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Psychology/psychotherapy, Stress, Traditional Chinese medicine, Yoga
297 Knobben, S.
A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of yoga on mental health
Taking on a dual perspective reflecting the medical and positive perspective of mental health
2013, 1-35 (Dissertation (Master))
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Yoga
298 Naveen, G.H.; Thirthalli, J.; Rao, M.G.; Varambally, R.; Christopher, R.; Gangadhar, B.N.
Positive therapeutic and neurotropic effects of yoga in depression
A comparative study
Indian J Psych, 2013, 55(Suppl. 3), S400-S404
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Yoga
299 Umadevi, P.; Ramachandra, -; Varambally, S.; Philip, M.; Gangadhar, B.N.
Effect of yoga therapy on anxiety and depressive symptoms and quality-of-life among caregivers of in-patients with neurological disorders at a tertiary care center in India
A randomized controlled trial
Indian J Psych, 2013, 55(Suppl. 3), S385-S389
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Yoga
300 Gangadhar, B.N.; Naveen, G.H.; Rao, M.G.; Thirthalli, J.; Varambally, S.
Positive antidepressant effects of generic yoga in depressive out-patients
A comparative study
Indian J Psych, 2013, 55(Suppl. 3), S369-S373
Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases