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502 results (filtered)

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401 Navarro-Haro, M.V.; López-Del-Hoyo, Y.; Campos, D.; Linehan, M.M.; Hoffman, H.G.; García-Palacios, A.; Modrego-Alarcón, M.; Borao, L.; García-Campayo, J.
Meditation experts try Virtual Reality Mindfulness
A pilot study evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of Virtual Reality to facilitate mindfulness practice in people attending a Mindfulness conference
PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(11), e0187777; (1-14)
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Observational trial, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
402 Vinesett, A.L.; Whaley, R.R.; Woods-Giscombe, C.; Dennis, P.; Johnson, M.; Li, Y.; Mounzeo, P.; Baegne, M.; Wilson, K.H.
Modified African ngoma healing ceremony for stress reduction
A pilot study
J Altern Complement Med, 2017, 23(10), 800-804
Mindfulness meditation, Ethnomedicine, Gynaecology, Healing, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
403 Milbury, K.; Engle, R.; Tsao, A.; Liao, Z.; Owens, A.; Chaoul, A.; Bruera, E.; Cohen, L.
Pilot testing of a brief couple-based mind-body intervention for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer and their partners
J Pain Symptom Manage, 2018, 55(3), 953-961
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lung cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
404 Prakash, K.; Saini, S.
Effectiveness of yoga on anxiety, depression and stress level of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy
Int J Res Med Sci, 2018, 6(1), 74-81
Anxiety, Breast cancer, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
405 Naik, G.S.; Gaur, G.S.; Pal, G.K.
Effect of modified slow breathing exercise on perceived stress and basal cardiovascular parameters
Int J Yoga, 2018, 11(1), 53-58
Breathing therapy, Healthy probands, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Vegetative nervous system, Yoga
406 Nascimento Novais, P.G.; Melo Batista, K. de; Silva Grazziano, E. da; Costa Amorim, M.H.
The effects of progressive muscular relaxation as a nursing procedure used for those who suffer from stress due to multiple sclerosis
Rev Lat Am Enfermagem, 2016, 24, e2789; (1-9)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Multiple sclerosis, Nervous system, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Pflege
407 Téllez, A.; Sánchez-Jáuregui, T.; Juárez-Garcia, D.M.; García-Solis, M.
Breast biopsy
The effects of hypnosis and music
Int J Clin Exp Hypn, 2016, 64(4), 456-469
Anxiety, Breast, Breast cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Gynaecology, Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Music therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain, Stress
408 Hartwell, S.; Allison, J.; Jones, B.; Rodrigues, R.; Chery, C.; Andrews, J.; Fulwiler, C.
Feasibility and acceptatbility of mindfulness for survivors of homicide and their providers
Explore, 2018, 14(1), 66-75
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Trauma
409 Sarkissian, M.; Trent, N.L.; Huchting, K.; Singh Khalsa, S.B.
Effects of a Kundalini yoga program on elementary and middle school students' stress, affect, and resilience
J Dev Behav Pediatr, 2018, 39(3), 210-216
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Conduct disorder, Yoga
410 Meier, N.F.; Welch, A.S.
Walking versus biofeedback
A comparison of acute interventions for stressed students
Anxiety Stress Coping, 2016, 29(5), 463-478
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Stress, Walking
411 Zainaldeen, M.H.; Hasan, N.E.; Ali, F.A.H.A.; Altahoo, H.S.; Rashid-Doubell, F.; Fredericks, S.
The influence of ball-juggling on emotional states, blood pressure and sleep-quality among medical students during end-of-year exam preparation
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018, 30, 64-67
Anxiety, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Stress
412 Hepburn, S.-J.; McMahon, M.
Pranayama meditation (yoga breathing) for stress relief
Is it beneficial for teachers?
Austral J Teacher Edu, 2017, 42(9), 142-159
Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Prevention, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga, Pranayama
413 Gotink, R.A.; Vernoo.ij, M.W.; Ikram, M.A.; Niessen, W.J.; Krestin, G.P.; Hofman, A.; Tiemeier, H.; Hunink, M.G.M
Meditation and yoga practice are associated with smaller right amygdala volume
The Rotterdam study
Brain Imaging Behav, 2018, 12(6), 1631-1639
Observational trial, Biology/Biological Sciences, Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Neurobiology, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
414 Sudhanshu, A.; Sharma, U.; Vadiraja, H.S.; Rana, R.K.; Singhal, R.
Impact of yoga on periodontal disease and stress management
Int J Yoga, 2017, 10(3), 121-127
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Parodontitis, Parodontosis, Prevention, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga, Dental diseases
415 Shastri, V.V.; Hankey, A.; Sharma, B.; Patra, S.
Investigation of yoga pranayama and vedic mathematics on mindfulness, aggression and emotion regulation
Int J Yoga, 2017, 10(3), 138-144
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mathematics, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga, Pranayama
416 Kwasky, A.N.; Serowoky, M.L.
Yoga to enhance self efficacy
An intervention for at-risk youth
Arch Psychiatr Nurs, 2018, 32, 82-85
Anxiety, Observational trial, Eating disorders, Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Prevention, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga, Postpartum depression
417 Goldstein, L.; Nidich, S.I.; Goodman, R.; Goodman, D.
The effect of Transcendental Meditation on self-efficacy, perceived stress, and quality of life in mothers in Uganda
Health Care Women Int, 2018, 39(7), 734-754
Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Mental diseases, Stress, Transzendentale Meditation
418 Shohani, M.; Badfar, G.; Nasirkandy, M.P.; Kaikhavani, S.; Rahmati, S. Modmeli, Y.; Soleymani, A.; Azami, M.
The effect of yoga on stress, anxiety, and depression in women
Int J Prev Med, 2018, 9, 21; (1-3)
Anxiety, Observational trial, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
419 Kersemaekers, W.; Rupprecht, S.; Wittmann, M.; Tamdjidi, C.; Falke, P.; Donders, P.; Speckens, A.; Kohls, N.
A workplace mindfulness intervention may be associated with improved psychological well-being and productivity
A preliminary field study in a company setting
Front Psychol, 2018, 9, 195; (1-11)
Mindfulness meditation, Occupational health, Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
420 Soler, J.; Elices, M.; Dominguez-Clavé, E.; Pascual, J.C.; Feilding, A.; Navarro-Gil, M.; García-Campayo, J.; Riba, J.
Four weekly Ayahuasca sessions lead to increases in "acceptance" capacities
A comparison study with a standard 8-week mindfulness training program
Front Pharmacol, 2018, 9, 224; (1-8)
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Tea, Ayahuasca
421 Lau, W.K.W.; Leung, M.K.; Wing, Y.K.; Lee, T.M.C.
Potential mechanisms of mindfulness in improving sleep and distress
Mindfulness, 2018, 9(2), 547-555
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Stress
422 Casey, L.J.; Van Rooy, K.M.; Sutherland, S.J.; Jenkins, S.M.; Rosedahl, J.K.; Wood, N.G.; Ebbert, J.O.; Lopez-Jimenez, F.; Egginton, J.S.; Sim, L.A.; Clark, M.M.
Improved self-acceptance, quality of life, and stress level from participation in a worksite yoga foundations program
A pilot study
Int J Yoga Therap, 2018, 28(1), 15-21
Occupational health, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
423 Janka, A.; Adler, C.; Brunner, B.; Oppenrieder, S.; Duschek, S.
Biofeedback training in crisis managers
A randomized controlled trial
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2017, 42(2), 117-125
Biofeedback, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Vegetative nervous system
424 Steinberg, B.A.; Klatt, M.; Duchemin, A.-M.
Feasibility of a mindfulness-based intervention for surgical intensive care unit personnel
Am J Crit Care, 2017, 26(1), 10-18
Occupational health, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga, Pflege, Intensivmedizin
425 Collins, R.N; Kishita, N.
The effectiveness of mindfulness- and acceptance-based interventions for informal caregivers of people with dementia
A meta-analysis
Gerontologist, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Dementia, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Stress
426 Sevinc, G.; Hölzel, B.K.; Hashmi, J.; Greenberg, J.; McCallister, A.; Treadway, M.; Schneider, M.L.; Dusek, J.A.; Carmody, J.; Lazar, S.W.
Common and dissociable neural activity following mindfulness-based stress reduction and relaxation response programs
Psychosom Med, 2018, 80(5), 439-451
Mindfulness meditation, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
427 Burns, D.S.; Meadows, A.N.; Althouse, S.; Perkins, S.M.; Cripe, L.D.
Differences between supportive music and imagery and music listening during outpatient chemotherapy and potential moderators of treatment effects
J Music Ther, 2018, 55(1), 83-108
Anxiety, Depression, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Music therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
428 Unger, C.A.; Busse, D.; Yim, I.S.
The effect of guided relaxation on cortisol and affect
Stress reactivity as a moderator
J Health Psychol, 2017, 22(1), 29-38
Relaxation, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physiology, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
429 Ezenwa M.O.; Yao, Y.; Engeland, C.G.; Molokie, R.E.; Wang, Z.J.; Suarez, M.L.; Wilkie, D.J.
A randomized controlled pilot study feasibility of a tablet-based guided audio-visual relaxation intervention for reducing stress and pain in adults with sickle cell disease
J Adv Nurs, 2016, 72(6), 1452-1463
Blood/Lymphatic system, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain, Stress, Thalassaemia
430 Bazzano, A.N.; Anderson, C.E.; Hylton, C.; Gustat, J.
Effect of mindfulness and yoga on quality of life for elementary school students and teachers
Results of a randomized controlled school-based study
Psychol Res Behav Manag, 2018, 11, 81-89
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
431 Ng, C.G.; Lai, K.T.; Tan, S.B.; Sulaiman, A.H.; Zainal, N.Z.
The effect of 5 minutes of mindful breathing to the perception of distress and physiological responses in palliative care cancer patients
A randomized controlled study
J Palliat Med, 2016, 19(9), 917-924
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Palliative care, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Vegetative nervous system
432 Oken, B.S.; Goodrich, E.; Klee, D.; Memmott, T.; Proulx, J.
Predictors of improvements in mental health from mindfulness meditation in stressed older adults
Altern Ther Health Med, 2018, 24(1), 48-55
Mindfulness meditation, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
433 Goldstein, E.; Topitzes, J.; Brown, R.L.; Barrett, B.
Mediational pathways of meditation and exercise on mental health and perceived stress
A randomized controlled trial
J Health Psychol, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
434 Grégoire, S.; Lachance, L.; Bouffard, T.; Dionne, F.
The use of acceptance and commitment therapy to promote mental health and school engagement in university students
A multisite randomized controlled trial
Behav Ther, 2018, 49(3), 360-372
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
435 Kelm, D.J.; Ridgeway, J.L.; Gas, B.L., Mohan, M.; Cook, D.A.; Nelson, D.R.; Benzo, R.P.
Mindfulness meditation and interprofessional cardiopulmonary resuscitation
A mixed-methods pilot study
Teach Learn Med, 2018, 30(4), 433-443
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Emergency medicine/Intensive care, Mental diseases, Stress
436 Romcevich, L.E.; Reed, S.; Flowers, S.R.; Kemper, K.J.; Mahan, J.D.
Mind-body skills training for resident wellness
A pilot study of a brief mindfulness intervention
J Med Educ Curric Dev, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Stress
437 Vidic, Z.; Martin, M.S.; Oxhandler, R.
Mindfulness meditation intervention with male collegiate soccer players
Effect on stress and various aspects of life
Sport J, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Sports medicine, Stress
438 Borchardt, A.R.; Zoccola, P.M.
Recovery from stress
An experimental examination of focused attention meditation in novices
J Behav Med, 2018, 41(6), 836-849
Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Vegetative nervous system
439 Hecht, F.M.; Moskowitz, J.T.; Moran, P.; Epel, E.S.; Bacchetti, P.; Acree, M.; Kemeny, M.E.; Mendes, W.B.; Duncan, L.G.; Wang, H.; Levy, J.A.; Deeks, S.G.; Folkman, S.
A randomized, controlled trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction in HIV infection
Brain Behav Immun, 2018, 73, 331-339
Mindfulness meditation, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
440 Mowla, F.; Khanjari, S., Inanlou, M.
Contribution of Benson's Relaxation Technique and brief psycho-educational intervention on quality of life of primary caregivers of Iranian children with chronic diseases
J Pediatr Nurs, 2017, 35, 65-71
Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Stress
441 Kennedy, L.E.; Misyak, S.; Hosig, K.; Duffey, K.J.; Ju, Y.; Serrano, E.
The Slow Down Program
A mixed methods pilot study of a mindfulness-based stress management and nutrition education program for mothers
Complement Ther Med, 2018, 38, 1-6
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
442 Mohammed, W.A.; Pappous, A.; Sharma, D.
Effect of mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) in increasing pain tolerance and improving the mental health of injured athletes
Front Psychol, 2018, 9, 722; (1-19)
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Pain, Sports medicine, Stress
443 Greeson, J.M.; Zarrin, H.; Smoski, M.J.; Brantley, J.G.; Lynch, T.R.; Webber, D.M.; Hall, M.H.; Suarez, E.C.; Wolever, R.Q.
Mindfulness meditation targets transdiagnostic symptoms implicated in stress-related disorders
Understanding relationships between changes in mindfulness, sleep quality, and physical symptoms
eCAM, 2018, 2018, 4505191; (1-10)
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Schizophrenia, Stress
444 Ng, S.-M.; Leng, L.; Ho, R.T.H.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, Q.
A brief body-mind-spirit group therapy for Chinese medicine stagnation syndrom
A randomized controlled trial
eCAM, 2018, Article ID 8153637, (1-12)
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Traditional Chinese medicine
445 Ceravolo, D.; Raines, D.A.
The impact of a mindfulness intervention for nurse managers
J Holist Nurs, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
446 Travis, F.; Valosek, L.; Konrad, A. 4th; Link, J., Salerno, J.; Scheller, R.; Nidich, S.
Effect of meditation on psychological distress and brain functioning
A randomized controlled study
Brain Cogn, 2018, 125, 100-105
Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
447 Gholami Tahsini, Z.; Makvand Hosseini, S.; Kianersi, F.; Rashn, S.; Majdara, E.
Biofeedback-aided relaxation training helps emotional disturbances in undergraduate students before examination
Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 2017, 42(4), 299-307
Anxiety, Biofeedback, Depression, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
448 Yang, E.; Schamber, E.; Meyer, R.M.L.; Gold, J.I.
Happier healers
Randomized controlled trial of mobile mindfulness for stress management
J Altern Complement Med, 2018, 24(5), 505-513
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
449 Melchart, D.; Wühr, E.; Wifling, K.; Bachmeier, B.E.
The TALENT II study
A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of an individual health management (IHM) on stress reduction
BMC Public Health, 2018, 18(19, 823; (1-8)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lifestyle modification, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
450 Barrett, C.J.
Mindfulness and rehabilitation
Teaching yoga and meditation to young men in an alternative to incarceration program
Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol, 2017, 61(15), 1719-1738
Andrology, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
451 Varghese, M.P.; Balakrishnan, R.; Pailoor, S.
Association between a guided meditation practice, sleep and psychological well-being in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients
J Complement Integr Med, 2018, 15(4), 20150026; (1-3)
Anxiety, Observational trial, Depression, Diabetes mellitus, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Metabolic diseases, Stress
452 Daukantaite, D.; Tellhed, U.; Maddux, R.E.; Svensson, T.; Melander, O.
Five-week yin yoga-based interventions decreased plasma adrenomedullin and increased psychological health in stressed adults
A randomized controlled trial
PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(7), e0200518; (1-15)
Endocrinology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
453 Fujisawa, A.; Ota, A.; Matsunaga, M.; Li, Y.; Kakizaki, M.; Naito, H.; Yatsuya, H.
Effect of laughter yoga on salivary cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone among healthy university students
A randomized controlled trial
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2018, 32, 6-11
Endocrinology, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga, Cortisol, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Laughter Yoga
454 Hatzipapas, I.; Visser, M.J.; Rensburg, E.J. van
Laughter therapy as an intervention to promote psychological well-being of volunteer community care workers working with HIV-affected families
J Soc Asp HIV/AIDS, 2017, 14(1), 201-212
Observational trial, Depression, HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, laughter therapy
455 Atreya, C.E.; Kubo, A.; Borno, H.T.; Rosenthal, B.; Campanella, M.; Rettger, J.P.; Joseph, G.; Allen, I.E.; Venook, A.P.; Altschuler, A.; Dhruva, A.
Being Present: A single-arm feasibility study of audio-based mindfulness meditation for colorectal cancer patients and caregivers
PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(7), e0199423; (1-21)
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Observational trial, Bowel cancer, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
456 Cavanagh, K.; Churchard, A.; O'Hanlon, P.; Mundy, T.; Votolato, P.; Jones, F.; Gu, J. Strauss, C.
A randomised controlled trial of a brief online mindfulness-based intervention in a non-clinical population
Replication and extension
Mindfulness, 2018, 9(4), 1191-1205
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
457 Schmalzl, L.; Powers, C.; Zanesco, A.P.; Yetz, N.; Groessl, E.J.; Saron, C.D.
The effect of movement-focused and breath-focused yoga practice on stress parameters and sustained attention
A randomized controlled pilot study
Conscious Cogn, 2018, 65, 109-125
Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
458 Krusche, A.; Dymond, M.; Murphy, S.E.; Crane, C.
Mindfulness for pregnancy
A randomised controlled study of online mindfulness during pregnancy
Midwifery, 2018, 65, 51-57
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Depression, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Obstetrics, Stress
459 Vella, E.; McIver, S.
Reducing stress and burnout in the public-sector work environment
A mindfulness meditation pilot study
Health Promot J Austr, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Occupational health, Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
460 Lopez, G.; Chaoul, A.; Powers-James, C.; Eddy, C.A.; Mallaiah, S.; Gomez, T.I.; Williams, J.L.; Wei, Q.; Bruera, E.; Cohen, L.
Group yoga effects on cancer patient and caregiver symptom distress
Assessment of self-reported symptoms at a comprehensive cancer center
Integr Cancer Ther, 2018, 17(4), 1087-1094
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
461 Montanari, K.M.; Bowe, C.L.; Chesak, S.S.; Cutshall, S.M.
Assessing the feasibility of a pilot intervention to reduce stress and burnout
J Holist Nurs, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
462 Fitz, F.F.; Stüpp, L.; Costa, T.F. da; Bortolini, M.A.T.; Girao, M.J.B.C.; Castro, R.A.
Outpatient biofeedback in addition to home pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence
A randomized controlled trial
Neurourol Urodyn, 2017, 36(8), 2034-2043
Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Pelvic floor exercises
463 Finkelstein-Fox, L.; Park, C.L.; Riley, K.E.
Mindfulness and emotion regulation
Promoting well-being during the transition to college
Anxiety Stress Coping, 2018, 31(6), 639-653
Mindfulness meditation, Anxiety, Observational trial, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
464 Ajjimapoorn, A.; Rachiwong, S.; Siripornpanich, V.
Effects of 8 weeks of modified hatha yoga training on resting-state brain activity and the p300 ERP in patients with physical disability-related stress
J Phys Ther Sci, 2018, 30(9), 1187-1192
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
465 Wimberly, A.S.; Engstrom, M.; Layde, M.; McKay, J.R.
A randomized trial of yoga for stress and substance use among people living with HIV in reentry
J Subst Abuse Treat, 2018, 94, 97-104
HIV, Infections, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Addiction, Yoga, Substance abuse disorder, Drug addiction
466 Greenberg, J.; Braun, T.D.; Schneider, M.L.; Finkelstein-Fox, L.; Conboy, L.A.; Schifano, E.D.; Park, C.; Lazar, S.W.
Is less more?
A randomized comparison of home practice time in a mind-body program
Behav Res Ther, 2018, 111, 52-56
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, posology, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
467 Huberty, J.; Matthews, J.; Cacciatore, J.; Buman, M.P.; Leiferman, J.
Relationship between mindfulness and posttraumatic stress in women who experienced stillbirth
J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs, 2018, 47(6), 760-770
Miscarriage, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Obstetrics, Stress, Trauma, Cohort study
468 Dada, T.; Mittal, D.; Mohanty, K.; Faiq, M.A.; Bhat, M.A.; Yadav, R.K.; Sihota, R.; Sidhu, T.; Velpandian, T.; Kalaivani, M.; Pandey, R.M.; Gao, Y.; Sabel, B.A.; Dada, R.
Mindfulness meditation reduces intraocular pressure, lowers stress biomarkers and modulates gene expression in glaucoma
A randomized controlled trial
J Glaucoma, 2018, 27(12), 1061-1067
Mindfulness meditation, Eye diseases, Glaucoma, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
469 Lynch, J.; Prihodova, L.; Dunne, P.J.; O'Leary, C.; Breen, R.; Carroll, Á.; Walsh, C.; McMahon, G.; White B.
Mantra meditation programme for emergency department staff
A qualitative study
BMJ Open, 2018, 8(9), e020685; (1-10)
Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Emergency medicine/Intensive care, Mental diseases, Stress, Mantra meditation
470 Economides, M.; Martman, J.; Bell, M.J.; Sanderson, B.
Improvements in stress, affect, and irritability following brief use of a mindfulness-based smartphone app
A randomized controlled trial
Mindfulness, 2018, 9(5), 1584-1593
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
471 Matzer, F.; Nagele, E.; Lerch, N.; Vajda, C.; Fazekas, C.
Combining walking and relaxation for stress reduction
A randomized cross-over trial in healthy adults
Stress Health, 2018, 34(2), 266-277
Balneology, Exercise therapy, Relaxation, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Heilbad, Walking
472 Bui, E.; Chad-Friedman, E.; Wieman, S.; Grasfield, R.H.; Rolfe, A.; Dong, M.; Park, E.R.; Denninger, J.W.
Patient and provider perspectives on a mind-body program for grieving older adults
Am J Hosp Palliat Care, 2018, 35(6), 858-865
Observational trial, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
473 Sfendia, A.; Malmström, P.; Torstensson, S.; Kerekes, N.
Yoga practice reduces the psychological distress levels of prison inmates
Front Psychiatry, 2018, 9, 407; (1-7)
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
474 Resnicoff, M.; Julliard, K.
Brief mindfulness meditation with night nursing unit staff
A qualitative study
Holist Nurs Pract, 2018, 32(6), 307-315
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
475 Jolliffe, R.C.; Durrant, J.R.; Seers, H.E.; Churchward, S.F.; Griffiths, M.; Naidoo, M.; Ben-Arye, E.; Polley, M.J.; Zollman, C.
Impact of Penny Brohn UK's Living Well Course on informal caregivers of people with cancer
J Altern Complement Med, 2018, 24(9-10), 974-980
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
476 Heckenberg, R.A.; Hale, M.W.; Kent, S.; Wright, B.J.
An online mindfulness-based program is effective in improving affect, over-commitment, optimism and mucosal immunity
Physiol Behav, 2019, 199, 20-27
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
477 Gagrani, M.; Faiq, M.A.; Sidhu, T.; Dada, R.; Yadav, R.K.; Sihota, R.; Kochhar, K.P.; Verma, R.; Dada, T.
Meditation enhances brain oxygenation, upregulates BDNF and improves quality of life in patients with primary open angle glaucoma
A randomized controlled trial
Restor Neurol Neurosci, 2018, 36(6), 741-753
Eye diseases, Glaucoma, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
478 Colgan, D.D.; Klee, D.; Memmott, T.; Prouix, J.; Oken, B.
Perceived stress mediates the relationship between mindfulness and negative affect variability
A randomized controlled trial among middle-aged to older adults
Stress Health, 2018, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
479 Beumeler, L.F.E.; Waarsenburg, E.C.; Booij, S.H.; Scheurink, A.J.W.; Hoenders, H.J.R.
Evaluation of a lifestyle intervention program in primary care on physical and mental health and quality of life of cancer survivors
A pilot study
Eur J Integr Med, 2018, 23, 1-5
Anxiety, Observational trial, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Lifestyle modification, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
480 Ponte, S.B.; Lino, C.; Tavares, B.; Amaral, B.; Bettenourt, A.L.; Nunes, T.; Silva, C.; Mota-Vieira, L.
Yoga in primary health care
A quasi-experimental study to access the effects on quality of life and psychological distress
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2019, 34, 1-7
Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Yoga
481 Danilewitz, M.; Koszycki, D.; Maclean, H.; Sanchez-Campos, M.; Gonsalves, C.; Archibald, D.; Bradwejn, J.
Feasibility and effectiveness of an online mindfulness meditation program for medical students
Can Med Educ J, 2018, 9(4), e15-e25
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
482 Agland, S.; Lydon, A.; Shaw, S.; Lea, R.; Mortimer-Jones, S.; Lechner-Scott, J.
Can a stress management programme reduce stress and improve quality of life in people diagnosed with multiple sclerosis?
Mult Scler J Exp Transl Clin, 2018, 4(4), 2055217318813179; (1-4)
Mindfulness meditation, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Multiple sclerosis, Nervous system, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
483 Ellis, D.A.; Carcone, A.; Slatcher, R.; Naar-King, S.; Hains, A.; Graham, A.; Sibinga, E.
Efficacy of mindfulness-based stress reduction in emerging adults with poorly controlled, type 1 diabetes
A pilot randomized controlled trial
Pediat Diabetes, 2019, 20(2), 226-234
Mindfulness meditation, Diabetes mellitus, Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Stress
484 Wadden, K.P.; Snow, N.J.; Sande, P.; Slawson, S.; Waller, T.; Boyd, L.A.
Yoga practitioners uniquely activate the superior parietal lobule and supramarginal gyrus during emotion regulation
Front Integr Neurosci, 2018, 12, 60; (1-11)
Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Non-randomized trial, Physiology, Prevention, Mental diseases, Stress, Vegetative nervous system, Yoga
485 Champion, L.; Economides, M., Chandler, C.
The efficacy of a brief app-based mindfulness intervention on psychosocial outcomes in healthy adults
A pilot randomised controlled trial
PLoS ONE, 2018, 13(12), e0209482; (1-20)
Mindfulness meditation, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
486 Emmanouil, C.C.; Pervanidou, P.; Charmandari, E.; Darviri, C.; Chrousos, G.P.
The effectiveness of a health promotion and stress-management intervention program in a sample of obese children and adolescents
Hormones, 2018, 17(3), 405-413
Breathing therapy, Relaxation, Obesitiy, Imagery, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Pediatrics, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Stress
487 Walsh, K.M.; Saab, B.J.; Farb, N.A.
Effects of a mindfulness meditation app on subjective well-being
Active randomized controlled trial and experience sampling study
JMIR Ment Health, 2019, 6(1), e10844; (1-23)
Mindfulness meditation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress
488 Hewett, Z.L.; Pumpa, K.L.; Smith, C.A.; Fahey, P.P.; Cheema, B.S.
Predictors of and barriers to adherence in a 16-week randomised controlled trial of Bikram yoga in stressed and sedentary adults
Complement Ther Med, 2019, 42, 374-380
Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga, Bikram yoga
489 Benzo, R.P.; Anderson, P.M.; Bronars, C.; Clark, M.
Mindfulness for healthcare providers
The role of non-reactivity in reducing stress
Explore, 2018, 14(6), 453-456
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
490 Ghaffarilaleh, G.; Ghaffarilaleh, V.; Sanamno, Z.; Kamalifard, M.
Yoga positively affected depression and blood pressure in women with premenstrual syndrome in a randomized controlled clinical trial
Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2019, 34, 87-92
High blood pressure, Depression, Gynaecology, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Premenstrual syndrome, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
491 Kirca, N.; Pasinlioglu, T.
The effect of yoga on stress level in infertile women
Perspect Psychiatr Care, 2019, epub ahead of print,
Gynaecology, Infertility, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga
492 Pleman, B.; Park, M.; Han, X.; Price, L.L.; Bannuru, R.R.; Harvey, W.F.; Driban, J.B.; Wang, C.
Mindfulness is associated with psychological health and moderates the impact of fibromyalgia
Clin Rheumatol, 2019, epub ahead of print,
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Depression, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Rheumatic diseases, Stress, Cohort study
493 Lolla, A.
Mantras help the general psychological well-being of college students
A pilot study
Support Care Cancer, 2018, 57(1), 110-119
Anxiety, Observational trial, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress, Mantra meditation
494 Bazzano, A.; Wolfe, C.; Zylowska, L.; Wang, S.; Schuster, E.; Barrett, C.; Lehrer, D.
Mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) for parents and caregivers of individuals with developmental disabilities
A community-based approach
J Child Fam Stud, 2015, 24, 298-308
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
495 Liu, Y.J.; Wu, W.Y.; Hsiao, S.M.; Ting, S.W.; Hsu, H.P.; Huang, C.M.
Efficacy of pelvic floor training with surface electromyography feedback for female stress urinary incontinence
Int J Nurs Pract, 2018, 24(6), e12698; (1-8)
Observational trial, Exercise therapy, Biofeedback, Gynaecology, Urinary tract, Incontinence, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Mental diseases, Stress, Pelvic floor exercises, EMG biofeedback
496 Grégoire, C.; Nicolas, H.; Bragard, I.; Delevallez, F.; Merckaert, I.; Razavi, D.; Waltregny, D.; Faymonville, M.E.; Vanhaudenhuyse, A.
Efficacy of a hypnosis-based intervention to improve well-being during cancer
A comparison between prostate and breast cancer patients
BMC Cancer, 2018, 18(1), 677; (1-11)
Andrology, Breast cancer, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Gynaecology, Hypnosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Mind-body medicine, Non-randomized trial, Prostate cancer, Mental diseases, Sleep disorders, Self hypnosis, Stress
497 Bressington, D.; Mui, J.; Yu, C.; Leung, S.F.; Cheung, K.; Wu, C.S.T.; Bollard, M.; Chien, W.T.
Feasibility of a group-based laughter yoga intervention as an adjunctive treatment for residual symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress in people with depression
J Affect Disord, 2019, 248, 42-51
Anxiety, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress, Yoga, Laughter Yoga
498 Slemp, G.R.; Jach, H.K.; Chia, A.; Loton, D.J.; Kern, M.L.
Contemplative interventions and employee distress
A meta-analysis
Stress Health, 2019, epub ahead of print,
Occupational health, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
499 Pizutti, L.T.; Carissimi, A.; Valdivia, L.J.; Ilgenfritz, C.A.V.; Freitas, J.J.; Sopezki, D.; Demarzo, M.M.P.; Hidalgo, M.P.
Evaluation of Breathworks' Mindfulness for Stress 8-week course
Effects on depressive symptoms, psychiatric symptoms, affects, self-compassion, and mindfulness facets in Brazilian health professionals
J Clin Psychol, 209, epub ahead of print,
Mindfulness meditation, Observational trial, Depression, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Stress
500 Merakou, K.; Tsoukas, K.; Stavrinos, G.; Amanaki, E.; Daleziou, A.; Kourmousi, N.; Stamatelopoulou, G.; Spourdalaki, E.; Barbouni, A.
The effect of progressive muscle relaxation on emotional competence: depression-anxiety-stress, sense of coherence, health-related quality of life, and well-being of unemployed people in Greece
An intervention study
Explore, 2019, 15(1), 38-46
Anxiety, Depression, Relaxation, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mind-body medicine, Progressive muscle relaxation, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Stress