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1701 Harkin, E.A.; Lewis, K.A.; Burton, K.A.
Exploring tai chi as an early intervention to improve balance and reduce falls among stroke survivors
Towards a feasibility study
Eur J Integr Med, 2016, 8(4), 591 (Abstract; Studienprotokoll)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1702 Alper, B.S.; Malorie-Moses, M.; Manheimer, E.W.
Evidence for clinical practice
Point-of-care applicationof: ‘Efficacy and safety of ginger in osteoarthritis patients: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials’
Eur J Integr Med, 2016, 8(5), 621-622 (Kommentar)
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Rheumatic diseases, Review (CR), ginger
1703 Kim, M.J.; Kim, T.Y.; Choi, Y.; Oh, S.; Kim, K.; Yoon, B.C.
The effect of a horse riding simulator on energy expenditure, enjoyment, and task difficulty in the elderly
Eur J Integr Med, 2016, 8(5), 723-730
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Therapeutic horse riding, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
1704 Lee, M.; Son, J.; Kim, J.; Pyrun, S.-B.; Eun, S.-D.; Yoon, B.C.
Comparison of individualized virtual reality- and group-based rehabilitation in older adults with chronic stroke in community settings
A pilot randomized controlled trial
Eur J Integr Med, 2016, 8(5), 738-746
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke
1705 Go, S.U.; Lee, B.H.
Effects of manual therapy on shoulder pain in office workers
J Phys Ther Sci, 2016, 28(9), 2422-2425
Occupational health, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Randomized trial, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch)
1706 Reme, S.E.; Tveito, T.H.; Harris, A.; Lie, S.A.; Grasdal, A.; Indahl, A.; Brox, J.I.; Tangen, T.; Hagen, E.M.; Gismervik, S.; Odegard, A.; Fryland, L.; Fors, E.A.; Chalder, T.; Eriksen, H.R.
Cognitive Interventions and Nutritional Supplements (The CINS Trial)
A randomized controlled, multicenter trial comparing a brief intervention with additional cognitive behavioral therapy, seal oil, and soy oil for sick-listed low back pain patients
Spne, 2016, 41(20), 1557-1564
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Dietary supplementation, Oil, Phaseolus max, Phytomedicine, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
1707 Lauche, R.; Spitzer, J.; Schwahn, B.; Ostermann, T.; Bernardy, K.; Cramer, H.; Dobos, G.; Langhorst, J.
Efficacy of cupping therapy in patients with the fibromyalgia syndrome
A randomised placebo controlled trial
Sci Reports, 2016, 6, 37316; (1-10)
Purgative therapy, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Cupping
1708 Van Gordon, W.; Shonin, E.; Dunn, T.J.; Garcia-Campayo, J.; Griffiths, M.D.
Meditation awareness training for the treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Br J Health Psychol, 2017, 22(1), 186-206
Mindfulness meditation, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1709 Tamer, S.; Öz, M.; Ülger, Ö.
The effect of visceral osteopathic manual therapy applications on pain, quality of life and function in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain
J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 2017, 30(3), 419-425
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Osteopathy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
1710 Kojidi, M.M.; Okhovatian, F.; Rahimi, A.; Baghban, A.A.; Azimi, H.
Comparison between the effects of passive and active soft tissue therapies on latent trigger points of upper trapezius muscle in women
Single-blind, randomized clinical trial
J Chiropract Med, 2016, 15(4), 235-242
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Muscles, Neck pain, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
1711 Deganello, A.; Battat, N.; Muratori, E.; Cristofaro, G.; Buongiorno, A.; Mannelli, G.; Picconi, M.; Giachetti, R.; Borsotti, G.; Gallo, O.
Acupuncture in shoulder pain and functional impairment after neck dissection
A prospective randomized pilot study
Laryngoscope, 2016, 126(8), 1790-1795
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch), Traditional Chinese medicine
1712 Wang, H.; Wei, A.; Lu, Y.; Yu, B.; Chen, W.; Lu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Yu, D.; Zou, L.
Simplified Tai Chi program training versus traditional Tai Chi on the functional movement screening in older adults
eCAM, 2016, Article ID 5867810, (1-6)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1713 Cho, Y.H.; Lee, S.Y.; Kim, C.M.; Kim, C.M.; Kim, N.D.; Choe, S.; Lee, C.-H.; Shin, J.-H.
Effect of loquat leaf extract on muscle strength, muscle mass, and muscle function in healthy adults
A randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled trial
eCAM, 2016, Article ID 4301621, (1-9)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Eriobotrya, Eriobotrya japonica, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
1714 Lin, H.F.; Chou, C.C.; Chao, H.H.; Tanaka, H.
Panax ginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza supplementation during eccentric resistance training in middle-aged and older adults
A double-blind randomized control trial
Complement Ther Med, 2016, 29, 158-163
Arteries, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Chinese medicinal herbs, Cardiovascular diseases, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, sage, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Traditional Chinese medicine, Panax, Panax ginseng
1715 Abt, T.; Hopfenmüller, W.; Mellerowicz, H.
Stoßwellentherapie bei therapieresistenter Plantarfasziitis mit Fersensporn
Eine prospektiv randomisiert plazebokontrollierte Doppelblindstudie
Z Orthop, 2002, 140, 548-554
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Heel spur, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Shock wave stimulation, Plantar fasciitis
1716 Matsumoto-Miyazaki, J.; Asano, Y.; Ikegame, Y.; Kawasaki, T.; Nomura, Y.; Shinoda, J.
Acupuncture reduces excitability of spinal motor neurons in patients with spastic muscle overactivity and chronic disorder of consciousness following traumatic brain injury
J Altern Complement Med, 2016, 22(11), 895-902
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Brain injury, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Muscular Spasm, Traditional Chinese medicine
1717 Alberga, A.S.; Prud'homme, D.; Sigal, R.J.; Goldfield, G.S.; Hadjiyannakis, S.; Phillips, P.; Malcolm, J.; Ma, J.; Doucette, S.; Gougeon, R.; Wells, G.; Kenny, G.P.
Effects of aerobic training, resistance training, or both on cardiorespiratory and musculoskeletal fitness in adolescents with obesity
The HEARTY trial
Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 2016, 41(3), 255-265
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Obesitiy, Cardiovascular diseases, Jugendmedizin, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Metabolic diseases, Aerobic training
1718 Chang, S.; Zhou, J.; Hong, Y.; Sun, W.; Cong, Y.; Qin, M.; Lian, J.; Yao, J.; Li, W.
Effects of 24-week Tai Chi exercise on the knee and ankle proprioception of older women
Res Sports Med, 2016, 24(1), 84-93
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Joints, Geriatrics, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1719 Ng, S.S.; Lai, C.W.; Tang, M.W.; Woo, J.
Cutaneous electrical stimulation to improve balance performance in patients with sub-acute stroke
A randomised controlled trial
Hong Kong Med J, 2016, 22(Suppl 2), S33-S36
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
1720 Ha, C.W.; Park, Y.B.; Min, B.W.; Han, S.B.; Lee, J.H.; Won, Y.Y.; Park, Y.S.
Prospective, randomized, double-blinded, double-dummy and multicenter phase IV clinical study comparing the efficacy and safety of PG201 (Layla) and SKI306X in patients with osteoarthritis
J Ethnopharmacol, 2016, 181, 1-7
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Ethnomedicine, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Layla, Joins
1721 Bialoszewski, D.; Bebelski, M.; Lewandowska, M.; Slupik, A.
Utility of craniosacral therapy in treatment of patients with non-specific low back pain
Preliminary report
Ortop Traumatol Rehabil, 2014, 16(6), 605-615
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cranio-sacral therapy, Manual therapy, Massage, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
1722 Hsu, C.C.; Chen, W.M.; Chen, S.R.; Tseng, Y.T.; Lin, P.C.
Effectiveness of music listening in patients with total knee replacement during CPM rehabilitation
Biol Res Nurs, 2016, 18(1), 68-75
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Nervous system, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Vegetative nervous system
1723 Chen, H.M.; Wang, H.H.; Chiu, M.H.; Hu, H.M.
Effects of acupressure on menstrual distress and low back pain in dysmenorrheic young adult women
An experimental study
Pain Manag Nurs, 2015, 16(3), 188-197
Acupressure, Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Dysmenorrhea, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Traditional Chinese medicine
1724 Mercadíe, L.; Mick, G.; Guétin, S.; Bigand, E.
Effects of listening to music versus environmental sounds in passive and active situations on levels of pain and fatigue in fibromyalgia
Pain Manag Nurs, 2015, 16(5), 664-671
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Music therapy, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1725 Schwerla, F.; Rother, K.; Rother, D.; Ruetz, M.; Resch, K.L.
Osteopathic manipulative therapy in women with postpartum low back pain and disability
A pragmatic randomized controlled trial
J Am Osteopath Assoc, 2015, 115(7), 416-425
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Osteopathy, Randomized trial, Obstetrics
1726 Seyyedrassoli, A.; Ghahramanian, A.; Azizi, A.; Goljarian, S.; Gillespie, M.; Aydinferd, S.
Comparison of effectiveness of reflexology and abdominal massage on constipation among orthopedic patients
A single-blind randomized controlled trial
Int J Med Res Health Sci, 2016, 5(10), 33-40
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Gastrointestinal tract, Manual therapy, Massage, Randomized trial, Reflex therapy, Constipation
1727 Zhang, M.; Zhou, J.j.; Zhang, Y.-m.; Wang, J.-h.; Zhang, Q.-y.; Chen, W.
Clinical effectiveness of scapulothoracic joint control training exercises on shoulder joint dysfunction
Cell Biochem Biophys, 72(1), 83-87
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Randomized trial, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch), Traditional Chinese medicine, Mobilisation
1728 Yang, M.; Guo, M.-Y.; Luo, Y.; Yun, M.-D.; Yan, J.; Liu, T.; Xiao, C.-H.
Effect of Artemisia annua extract on treating active rheumatoid arthritis
A randomized controlled trial
Chin J Integr Med, 2017, 23(7), 496-503
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
1729 Dabbous, O.A.; Mostafa, Y.M.; El Noamany, H.A.; El Shennawy, S.A.; El Bagoury, M.A.
Laser acupuncture as an adjunctive therapy for spastic cerebral palsy in children
Lasers Med Sci, 2016, 31(6), 1061-1067
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Muscle paralysis, Nervous system, Neural therapy, Pediatrics, Randomized trial, Muscular Spasm, Traditional Chinese medicine, Zerebralparese
1730 Maghsoumi-Norouzabad, L.; Alipoor, B.; Abed, R.; Eftekhar Sadat, B.; Mesgari-Abbasi, M.; Asghari Jafarabadi, M.
Effects of Arctium lappa L. (Burdock) root tea on inflammatory status and oxidative stress in patients with knee osteoarthritis
Int J Rheum Dis, 2016, 19(3), 255-261
Arctium, Arctium lappa, Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Tea
1731 Merolla, G.; Dellabiancia, F.; Ingardia, A.; Paladini, P.; Porcellini, G.
Co-analgesic therapy for arthroscopic supraspinatus tendon repair pain using a dietary supplement containing Boswellia serrata and Curcuma longa
A prospective randomized placebo-controlled study
Musculoskelet Surg, 2015, 99(Suppl 1), S43-S52
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Boswellia, Curcuma, Curcuma longa, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Postoperative complaints, Randomized trial, Pain
1732 Ganiyu, S.; Bellom U.M.
Comparison of the effects of acupuncture and acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation among adults Nigerian with osteoarthritis of the knee
J Altern Complement Integr Med, 2016, 2, 009; (1-6)
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Traditional Chinese medicine
1733 Souza, L.L. de; Araujo, F.L.B. de; Silva, F.A.M. da; Mucciaroni, T.S.; Araujo, J.E. de
Unilateral and immediate stimulation of acupuncture points Xiaohai (SI18) and Jianwaishu (SI14) of the small intestine meridian increases electromyographic activity and strength in the ipsilateral and contralateral upper trapezius muscle
J Acupunct Meridian Stud, 2016, 9(5), 250-256
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1734 Helianthi, D.R.; Simadibrata, C.; Srilestari, A.; Wahyudi, E.R.; Hidayat, R.
Pain reduction after laser acupuncture treatment in geratric patients with knee osteoarthritis
Acta Med Indones, 2016, 48(2), 114-121
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
1735 Rabago, D.; Leuven, L. van; Benes, L.; Fortney, L.; Slattengren, A.; Grettie, J.; Mundt, M.
Qualitative assessment of patients receiving prolotherapy for knee osteoarthritis in a multimethod study
J Altern Complement Med, 2016, 22(12), 983-989
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1736 Kaplan, S.; Alpayci, M.; Karaman, E.; Cetin, O.; Özkan, Y.; Ilter, S.; Sah, V.; Sahin, H.G.
Short-term effects of kinesio taping in women with pregnancy-related low back pain
A randomized controlled clinical trial
Med Sci Monit, 2016, 22, 1297-1301
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Obstetrics, Taping, Kinesio-taping
1737 Wang, C.; Schmid, C.H.; Iversen, M.D.; Harvey, W.F.; Fielding, R.A.; Driban, J.B.; Price, L.L.; Waong, J.B.; Reid, K.F.; Rones, R.; McAlindon, T.
Comparative effectiveness of Tai Chi versus physical therapy for knee osteoarthritis
Ann Intern Med, 2016, 165(2), 77-86
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physiotherapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1738 Licciardone, J.C.; Gatchel, R.J.; Aryal, S.
Targeting patient subgroups with chronic low back pain for osteopathic manipulative treatment
Responder analyses from a randomized controlled trial
J Am Osteopath Assoc, 2016, 116(3), 156-168
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Osteopathy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
1739 Licciardone, J.C.; Gatchel, R.J.; Aryal, S.
Recovery from chronic low back pain after osteopathic manipulative treatment
A randomized controlled trial
J Am Osteopath Assoc, 2016, 116(3), 144-155
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Osteopathy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial
1740 Dragoi, R.G.; Amaricai, E.; Dragoi, M.; Popoviciu, H.; Avram, C.
Inspiratory muscle training improves aerobic capacity and pulmonary function in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
A randomized controlled study
Clin Rehabil, 2016, 30(4), 340-346
Breathing therapy, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Bechterew's disease, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1741 Shukla, C.
If you help me god will help you
A case of Ficus religiosa
Hom Links, 2005, 18(3), 139-142
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Case report, Ficus, Ficus religiosa, Homeopathy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Practice, Muscular Spasm
1742 Potiaumpai, M.; Martins, M.C.; Wong, C.; Desai, T.; Rodriguez, R.; Mooney, K.; Signorile, J.F.
Difference in muscle activation patterns during high-speed versus standard-speed yoga
A randomized sequence crossover study
Complement Ther Med, 2017, 30, 24-29
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Muscles, Randomized trial, Yoga
1743 Roman-Blas, J.A.; Castañeda, S.; Sánchez-Pernaute, O.; Largo, R.; Herrero-Beaumont, G.
Combined treatment with chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate shows no superiority over placebo for reduction of joint pain and functional impairment in patients with knee osteoarthritis
A six-month multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Arthritis Rheumatol, 2017, 69(1), 77-85
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chondroitin, Glucosamin, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1744 Bleyenheuft, Y.; Ebner-Karestinos, D.; Surana, B.; Paradis, J.; Sidiropoulos, A.; Renders, A.; Friel, K.M.; Brandao, M.; Rameckers, E.; Gordon, A.M.
Intensive upper- and lower-extremity training for children with bilateral cerebral palsy
A quasi-randomized trial
Dev Med Child Neurol, 2017, 59(6), 625-633
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Infections, Poliomyelitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Pediatrics, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Zerebralparese
1745 Gok Metin, Z.; Ozdemir, L.
The effects of aromatherapy massage and reflexology on pain and fatigue in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A randomized controlled trial
Pain Manag Nurs, 2016, 17(2), 140-149
Aromatherapy, Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Massage, Phytomedicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Reflexology, Rheumatic diseases, Pain
1746 Yildirim, P.; Ofluoglu, D.; Aydogan, S.; Akyuz, G.
Tai Chi vs. combined exercise prescription
A comparison of their effects on factors related to falls
J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil, 2016, 29(3), 493-501
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Depression, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Prevention, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1747 Cherkin, D.C.; Anderson, M.L.; Sherman, K.J.; Balderson, B.H.; Cook, A.J.; Hansen, K.E.; Turner, J.A.
Two-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial of mindfulness-based stress reduction vs cognitive behavioral therapy or usual care for chronic low back pain
JAMA, 2017, 317(6), 642-644
Mindfulness meditation, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Psychology/psychotherapy, Randomized trial
1748 Kim, K.H.; Kim, Y.R.; Baik, S.K.; Noh, S.H.; Kim, D.H.; Lee, S.W.; Yang, G.Y.
Acupuncture for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis
A randomised pilot trial
Acupunct Med, 2016, 34(4), 267-274
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, spinal stenosis
1749 Celenay, S.T.; Kaya, D.O.; Akbayrak, T.
Cervical and scapulothoracic stabilization exercises with and without connective tissue massage for chronic mechanical neck pain
A prospective, randomised controlled trial
Man Ther, 2016, 21, 144-150
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Connective tissue massage, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physiotherapy, Randomized trial
1750 Suen, L.K.P.; Yeh, C.H.; Yeung, S.K.W.
Using auriculotherapy for osteoarthritic knee among elders
A double-blinded randomised feasibility study
BMC Complement Altern Med, 2016, 16, 257; (1-9)
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Ear acupuncture, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
1751 Maor, N.R.; Alperin, M.; Shturman, E.; Khairaldeen, H.; Friedman, M.; Karkabi, K.; Milman, U.
Effect of magnesium oxide supplementation on nocturnal leg cramps
A randomized clinical trial
JAMA Intern Med, 2017, 177(5), 617-623
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Magnesium, Magnesium oxydatum, Minerals, Dietary supplementation, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Muscular Spasm
1752 Crew, K.D.; Capodice, J.L.; Greenlee, H.; Brafman, L.; Fuentes, D.; Awad, D.; Tsai, W.Y.; Hershman, D.L.
Randomized, blinded, sham-controlled trial of acupuncture for the management of aromatase inhibitor-associated joint symptoms in women with early-stage breast cancer
J Clin Oncol, 2010, 28(7), 1154-1160
Acupuncture, Arthralgia, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Breast cancer, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Cancer, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1753 Yeganeh Lari, A.; Okhovatian, F.; Naimi, S.s; Baghban, A.A.
The effect of the combination of dry needling and MET on latent trigger point upper trapezius in females
Man Ther, 2016, 21, 204-209
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Myofasziales Schmerzsyndrom, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1754 Baldwin, A.L.; Vitale, A.; Brownell, E.; Kryak, E.; Rand, W.
Effects of Reiki on pain, anxiety, and blood pressure in patients undergoing knee replacement
A pilot study
Holist Nurs Pract, 2017, 31(2), 80-89
Anxiety, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Surgery, Joints, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Reiki, Pain, Traditional Japanese medicine, Vegetative nervous system
1755 Glazov, G.; Yelland, M.; Emery, J.
Low-level laser therapy for chronic non-specific low back pain
A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Acupunct Med, 2016, 34, 328-341
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Laser therapy, Meta-analysis, Physical therapy, Back pain (non-specific), Traditional Chinese medicine, low-level laser therapy
1756 Kizhakkeveettil, A.; Rose, K.A.; Kadar, G.E.; Hurwitz, E.L.
Integrative acupuncture and spinal manipulative therapy versus either alone for low back pain
A randomized controlled trial feasibility study
J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2017, 40(3), 201-213
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Massage, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Traditional Chinese medicine
1757 Guo, M.; Qu, H.; Xu, L.; Shi, D.-Z.
Tea consumption may decrease the risk of osteoporosis
An updated meta-analysis of observational studies
Nutrition Res, 2017, 42, 1-10
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Fracture, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Osteoporosis, Phytomedicine, Prevention, Tea
1758 Kheirouri, S.; Hadi, V.; Alizadeh, M.
Immunomodulatory effect of Nigella sativa oil on T lymphocytes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Immunol Invest, 2016, 45(4), 271-283
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Immunomodulation, Immune system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nigella sativa, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases
1759 Kumar, S.; Rampp, T.; Kessler, C.; Jeitler, M.; Dobos, G.J.; Lüdtke, R.; Meier, L.; Michalsen, A.
Effectiveness of Ayurvedic massage (Sahacharadi Taila) in patients with chronic low back pain
A randomized controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2017, 23(2), 109-115
Ayurveda, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Low back pain, Manual therapy, Randomized trial
1760 Saha, F.J.; Schumann, S.; Cramer, H.; Hohmann, C.; Choi, K.E.; Rolke, R.; Langhorst, J.; Rampp, T.; Dobos, G.; Lauche, R.
The effects of cupping massage in patients with chronic neck pain
A randomised controlled trial
Complement Med Res, 2017, 24(1), 26-32
Purgative therapy, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neck pain, Randomized trial, Cupping
1761 Shawki, M.; Wakeel, L. el; Shatla, R.; El-Saeed, G.; Ibrahim, S.; Badary, O.
The clinical outcome of adjuvant therapy with black seed oil on intractable paediatric seizures
A pilot study
Epileptic Disord, 2013, 15(3), 295-301
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Epilepsy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Nigella sativa, Oil, Pediatrics, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Muscular Spasm
1762 Cerez-Téllez, E.; Torres-Lacomba, M.; Fuentes-Gallardo, I.; Perez-Munoz, M.; Mayoral-Del-Moral, O.; Lluch-Girbés, E.; Prieto-Valiente, L.; Falla, D.
Effectiveness of dry needling for chronic nonspecific neck pain
A randomized, single-blinded, clinical trial
Pain, 2016, 157(9), 1905-1917
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neck pain, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1763 Pipalia, P.R.; Annigeri, R.G.; Mehta, R.
Clinicobiochemical evaluation of turmeric with black pepper and nigella sativa in management of oral submucous fibrosis
A double-blind, randomized preliminary study
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 2016, 122, 705-712
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Curcuma, Curcuma longa, Fibrosis, Spices, Ear-nose-throat disorders, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Mouth, Nigella sativa, Phytomedicine, Piper, Piper nigrum, Randomized trial
1764 Wikstrom, E.A.; McKeon, P.O.
Predicting Manual Therapy Treatment Success in patients with chronic ankle instability
Improving self-reported function
J Athl Train, 2017, 52(4), 325-331
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Joints, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Randomized trial
1765 Dibai-Filho, A.V.; Oliveira, A.K. de; Girasol, C.E.; Dias, F.R.; Guirro, R.R.
Additional effect of static ultrasound and diadynamic currents on myofascial trigger points in a manual therapy program for patients with chronic neck pain
A randomized clinical trial
Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 2017, 96(4), 243-252
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Diadynamic currents, Electrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Therapeutic ultrasound
1766 Matsumoto, H.; Hagino, H.; Hayashi, K.; Ideno, Y.; Wada, T.; Ogata, T.; Akai, M.; Seichi, A.; Iwaya, T.
The effect of balneotherapy on pain relief, stiffness, and physical function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
A meta-analysis
Clin Rheumatol, 2017, 36(8), 1839-1847
Arthrosis, Balneology, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Physical therapy, Rheumatic diseases
1767 Lee, A.C.; Harvey, W.F.; Wong, J.B.; Price, L.L.; Han, X.; Chung, M.; Driban, J.B.; Morgan, L.P.K.; Morgan, N.L.; Wang, C.
Effects of Tai Chi versus physical therapy on mindfulness in knee osteoarthritis
Mindfulness, 2017, 8(5), 1195-1205
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physiotherapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1768 Cho, S.-K.; Kim, D.; Yoo, D.; Jang, E.J.; Jun, J.-B.; Sung, Y.-K.
Korean red ginseng exhibits no significant adverse effect on disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
A randomized, double-blind, crossover study
J Ginsend Res, 2018, 42(2), 144-148
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Panax, Panax ginseng
1769 Hermans, J.; Reijman, M.; Goossens, L.; Verburg, H.; Bierma-Zeinstra, S.; Koopmanschap, M.A.
Cost utility analysis of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid for knee osteoarthritis in everyday clinical care in patients in the working age
An economic evaluation of a randomized clinical trial
Arthritis Care Res, 2018, 70(1), 89-97
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Hyaluronsäure, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Economy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Cost-effectiveness
1770 Wu, J.; Xu, L.; Lv, Y.; Dong, L.; Zheng, Q.; Li, L.
Quantitative analysis of efficacy and associated factors of calcium intake on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
Osteoporos Int, 2017, 28(6), 2003-2010
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Meta-analysis, Minerals, Osteoporosis
1771 Lin, X.; Huang, K.; Zhu, G.; Huang, Z.; Qin, A.; Fan, S.
The effects of acupuncture on chronic knee pain due to osteoarthritis
A meta-analysis
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 2016, 98(18), 1578-1585
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Rheumatic diseases, Pain, Traditional Chinese medicine, Chronic pain
1772 Ainpradub, K.; Sitthipornvorakul, E.; Janwantanakul, P.; Beek, A.J. van der
Effect of education on non-specific neck and low back pain
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Man Ther, 2016, 22, 31-41
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meta-analysis, Neck pain, Back pain (non-specific)
1773 Beselga, C.; Neto, F.; Albuquerque-Sendín, F.; Hall, T.; Oliveira-Campelo, N.
Immediate effects of hip mobilization with movement in patients with hip osteoarthritis
A randomised controlled trial
Man Ther, 2015, 22, 80-85
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Hip arthrosis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Mobilisation
1774 Mosti, M.P.; Carlsen, T.; Aas, E.; Hoff, J.; Stunes, A.K.; Styversen, U.
Maximal strength training improves bone mineral density and neuromuscular performance in young adult women
J Strength Cond Res, 2014, 28(10), 2935-2945
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Osteoporosis, Physical therapy, Prevention, Randomized trial, Strength training
1775 Kristensen, S.; Schmidt, E.B.; Schlemmer, A.; Rasmussen, C.; Lindgreen, E.; Johansen, M.B.; Christensen, J.H.
The effect of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cardiac autonomic and hemodynamic function in patients with psoriatic arthritis
A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Lipids Health Dis, 2016, 15, 216; (1-10)
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, fish oil
1776 Yeung, S.S.; Ting, K.H.; Hon, M.; Fung, N.Y.; Choi, M.M.; Cheng, J.C.; Yeung, E.W.
Effects of cold water immersion on muscle oxygenation during repeated bouts of fatiguing exercise
Medicine, 2016, 95(1), e2455; (1-8)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Physical therapy, Randomized trial
1777 Bell, P.G.; Stevenson, E.; Davison, G.W.; Howatson, G.
The effects of montmorency tart cherry concentrate supplementation on recovery following prolonged, intermittent exercise
Nutrients, 2016, 8, 441; (1-11)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Prunus, Prunus cerasus, Randomized trial
1778 Brämberg, E.B.; Bergström, G.; Jensen, I.; Hagberg, J.; Kwak, L.
Effects of yoga, strength training and advice on back pain
A randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2017, 18, 132
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific), Yoga, Strength training
1779 Levers, K.; Dalton, R.; Galvan, E.; O'Connor, A.; Goodenough, C.; Simbo, S.; Mertens-Talcott, S.U.; Rasmussen, C.; Greenwood, M.; Riechman, S.; Crouse, S.; Kreider, R.B.
Effects of powdered Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on acute endurance exercise performance in aerobically trained individuals
J Int Soc Sports Nutr, 2016, 13, 22; (1-23)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Dietary supplementation, Phytomedicine, Placebo-controlled, Prunus, Prunus cerasus, Randomized trial
1780 Dawczynski, C.; Dittrich, M.; Neumann, T.; Goetze, K.; Welzel, A.; Oelzner, P.; Völker, S.; Schaible, A.M.; Troisi, F.; Thomas, I.; Pace, S.; Koeberle, A.; Werz, O.; Schlattmann, P.; Lorkowski, S.; Jahreis, g.
Docosahexaenoic acid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized cross-over study with microalgae vs. sunflower oil
Clin Nutr, 2018, 37(2), 494-504
Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, fish oil, Docosahexaensäure
1781 Rajaei, E.; Mowla, K.; Ghorbani, A.; Bahadoram, S.; Bahadoram, M.; Dargahi-Malamir, M.
The effect of omega-3 fatty acids in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis receiving DMARDs therapy
Double-blind randomized controlled trial
Global J Health Sci, 2016, 8(7), 18-25
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, fish oil
1782 Park, K.M.; Cho, T.H.
Therapeutic effect of acupuncture point injection with placental extract in knee osteoarthritis
J Integr Med, 2017, 15(2), 135-141
Acupuncture, Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Knee arthrosis, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placenta, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine, Pharmacopuncture
1783 Crider, A.B.; Glaros, A.G.
A meta-analysis of EMG biofeedback treatment of temporomandibular disorders
J Orofac Pain, 1999, 13(1), 29-37
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Biofeedback, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Tempromandibular joint disorder, Meta-analysis, Mind-body medicine, EMG biofeedback
1784 Hassan, E.S.A.
Thermal therapy and delayed onset of muscle soreness
J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 2011, 51(2), 249-254
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Healthy probands, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Sports medicine, Thermotherapy
1785 Higgins, T.R.; Cameron, M.L.; Climstein, M.
Acute response to hydrotherapy after a simulated game of rugby
J Strength Cond Res, 2013, 27(10), 2851-2860
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Healthy probands, Hydrotherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscle soreness, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Sports medicine
1786 Jakeman, J.R.; Lambrick, D.M.; Wooley, B.; Babraj, J.A.; Faulkner, J.A.
Effect of an acute dose of omega-3 fish oil following exercise-induced muscle damage
Eur J Appl Physiol, 2017, 117(3), 575-582
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Nutrition/diet, Essential fatty acids, Healthy probands, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Sports medicine, fish oil
1787 Murray, M.; Lange, B.; Riebeling Nørnberg, B.; Søgaard, K.; Sjøgaard, G.
Self-administered physical exercise training as treatment of neck and shoulder pain among military helicopter pilots and crew
A randomized controlled trial
BMC Musculoskel Disord, 2017, 18, 147; (1-11)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch)
1788 Schröder, S.; Meyer-Hamme, G.; Friedemann, T.; Kirch, S.; Hauck, M.; Plaetke, R.; Friedrichs, S.; Gulati, A.; Briem, D.
Immediate pain relief in adhesive capsulitis by acupuncture
A randomized controlled double-blinded study
Pain Med, 2017, 18(11), 2235-2247
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Capsulitis, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1789 Sun, W.; Zhang, C.; Song, Q.; Li, W.; Cong, Y.; Chang, S.; Mao, D.; Hong, Y.
Effect of 1-year regular Tai Chi on neuromuscular reaction in elderly women
A randomized controlled study
Res Sports Med, 2016, 24(2), 145-156
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Gynaecology, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Nervous system, Randomized trial, Taiji, Traditional Chinese medicine
1790 Bailey, L.B.; Thigpen, C.A.; Hawkins, R.J.; Beattie, P.F.; Shanley, E.
Effectiveness of manual therapy and stretching for baseball players with shoulder range of motion deficits
Sports Health, 2017, 9(3), 230-237
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Physical therapy, Physiotherapy, Randomized trial, Shoulder, Sports medicine, Stretching
1791 Buchanan, D.T.; Vitiello, M.V.; Bennett, K.
Feasibility and efficacy of a shared yoga intervention for sleep disturbance in older adults with osteoarthritis
J Gerontol Nurs, 2017, 43(8), 45-52
Arthrosis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Meditation, Mind-body medicine, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Rheumatic diseases, Sleep disorders, Yoga
1792 Huang, Y.-C.; Chang, K.-H.; Liou, T.-H.; Cheng, C.-W.; Lin, L.-F.; Huang, S.-W.
Effects of kinesio taping for stroke patients with hemiplegic shoulder pain
A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study
J Rehabil Med, 2017, 49, 208-215
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Hemiplegia, Cardiovascular diseases, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Rehabilitation, Stroke, Schulterschmerz (unspezifisch), Taping, Kinesio-taping
1793 MacPherson, H.; Elliot, B.; Hopton, A.; Lansdown, H.; Birch, S.; Hewitt, C.
Lifestyle advice and self-care integral to acupuncture treatment for patients with chronic neck pain
Secondary analysis of outcomes within a randomized controlled trial
J Altern Complement Med, 2017, 23(3), 180-187
Acupuncture, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Lifestyle modification, Mind-body medicine, Neck pain, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
1794 Adly, A.S.; Adly, A.S.; Adly, M.S.; Serry, Z.M.H.
Laser acupuncture versus reflexology therapy in elderly with rheumatoid arthritis
Lasers Med Sci, 2017, 32(5), 1097-1103
Acupuncture, Arthritis, Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Laserneedle acupuncture, Manual therapy, Randomized trial, Reflexology, Rheumatic diseases, Traditional Chinese medicine
1795 Haik, M.N.; Albuquerque-Sendín, F.; Camargo, P.R.
Short-term effects of thoracic spine manipulation on shoulder impingement syndrome
A randomized controlled trial
Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 2017, 98(8), 1594-1605
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Chiropractic, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Impingement-Syndrom
1796 Arguiselas, M.D.; Lisón, J.F.; Sánchez-Zuriaga, D.; Martínez-Hurtado, I.; Doménech-Fernández, J.
Effects of myofascial release in nonspecific chronic low back pain
A randomized clinical trial
Spine, 2017, 42(9), 627-634
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Back pain (non-specific)
1797 Zhang, S.; Fu, W.; Pan, J.; Wang, L.; Xia, R.; Liu, Y.
Acute effects of Kinesio taping on muscle strength and fatigue in the forearm of tennis players
J Sci Med Sport, 2016, 16(6), 459-464
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Muscles, Physical therapy, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Sports medicine, Taping, Kinesio-taping
1798 Shi, Z.-Y.; Zhang, X.-G.; Li, C.-W.; Liu, K.; Liang, B.-C.; Shi, X.-L.
Effect of traditional Chinese medicine product, QiangGu Yin, on bone mineral density and bone turnover in Chinese postmenopausal osteoporosis
eCAM, 2017, Article ID 6062707, (1-8)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Gynaecology, Chinese medicinal herbs, Clinical research, Kombinationsarzneimittel, Complementary and alternative medicine, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Qianggu
1799 Kang, B.; Kim, T.; Kim, M.J.; Lee, K.H.; Choi, S.; Lee, D.H.; Kim, H.R.; Jun, B.; Park, S.Y.; Lee, S.J.; Park, S.-B.
Relief of chronic posterior neck pain depending on the type of forest therapy
Comparison of the therapeutic effect of forest bathing alone versus forest bathing with exercise
Ann Rehabil Med, 2015, 39(6), 957-963
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Cervical syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial, Naturgestützte Therapie, Forest therapy
1800 Groeneweg, R.; Assen, L. van; Kropman, H.; Leopold, H.; Mulder, J.; Smits-Engelsman, B.C.M.; Ostelo, R.W.J.G.; Oostendorp, R.A.B.; Tulder, M.W. van
Manual therapy compared with physical therapy in patients with non-specific neck pain
A randomized controlled trial
Chiropr Man Therap, 2017, 25, 12; (1-12)
Muscoskeletal -/Connective tissue system, Exercise therapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Manual therapy, Neck pain, Physical therapy, Randomized trial