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1 Cristian, A.; Katz, M.; Cutrone, E.; Walker, R.H.
Evaluation of acupuncture in the treatment of Parkinson's disease
A double-blind pilot study
Mov Disord, 2005, 20(9), 1185-1188
Acupuncture, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
2 Wang, L.; He, C.; Liu, Y.; Zhu, L.
Effect of acupuncture on the auditory evoked brain stem potential in Parkinson's disease
J Trad Chin Med, 2002, 22(1), 15-17
Acupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
3 Chae, Y.; Lee, H.; Kim, H.; Kim, C.-H.; Chang, D.-I.; Kim, K.-M.; Park, H.-J.
Parsing brain activity associated with acupuncture treatment in Parkinson's diseases
Mov Disord, 2009, 24(12), 1794-1802
Acupuncture, Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease, Physiology, Placebo-controlled, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
4 Huang, Y.; Jiang, X.; Zhuo, Y.; Tang, A.; Wik, G.
Complementary acupuncture treatment increases cerebral metabolism in patients with Parkinson's disease
Int J Neurosci, 2009, 119(8), 1190-1197
Acupuncture, Brain, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Parkinson's disease, Physiology, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
5 Lin, Y.C.; Tsai, C.H.; Lu, M.K.
P1.144 Different effects between acupuncture and anti-parkinsonian medicine on the cortical excitability in patients with Parkinson's disease
Parkinsonism Related Disord, 2009, 15(Suppl.2), S65-S66 (Abstract)
Acupuncture, Brain, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Conventional medicine, Nervous system, Neurophysiology, Non-randomized trial, Parkinson's disease, Physiology, Scalp acupuncture, Traditional Chinese medicine
6 Huang, Y.; Jiang, X.; Zhuo, Y.; Wik, G.
Complementary acupuncture in Parkinson's disease
A spect study
Int J Neurosci, 2010, 120(2), 150-154
Acupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
7 Cho, S.Y.; Shim, S.R.; Rhee, H.Y.; Park, H.J.; Jung, W.S.; Moon, S.K.; Park, J.M.; Ko, C.N.; Cho, K.H.; Park, S.U.
Effectiveness of acupuncture and bee venom acupuncture in idiopathic Parkinson's disease
Parkinsonism Related Disord, 2012, 18(8), 948-952
Acupuncture, Apisinum, Apitherapy, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Bee venom acupuncture
8 Toosizadeh, N.; Lei, H.; Schwenk, M.; Sherman, S.J.; Sternberg, E.; Mohler, J.; Najafi, B.
Does integrative medicine enhance balance in aging adults proof of concept for the benefit of electroacupuncture therapy in Parkinson's disease
Gerontology, 2015, 61(1), 3-14
Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Geriatrics, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Non-randomized trial, Parkinson's disease, Traditional Chinese medicine
9 Park, S.-U.; Cho, S.-Y.; Park, H.-J.; Park, J.-M.; Ko, C.-N.
Effectiveness of acupuncture and bee venom acupuncture for idiopathic Parkinson's disease
Forsch Komplementärmed, 2013, 20(suppl. 1), 98 (Abstract; Symposiumsbeitrag)
Acupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine, Bee venom acupuncture
10 Wang, F.; Sun, L.; Zhang, X.-Z.; Jia, J.; Liu, Z.; Huang, X.-Y.; Yu, S.-Y.; Zuo, L.-J.; Cao, C.-J.; Wang, X.-M.; Zhang, W.
Effect and potential mechanism of electroacupuncture add-on treatment in patients with parkinson's disease
eCAM, 2015, Article ID 692795, (1-11)
Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
11 Leem, J.
Acupuncture for motor symptom improvement in Parkinson's disease and the potential identification of responders to acupuncture treatment
Integr Med Res, 2016, 5(4), 332-335
Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
12 Amorim Arox, F.H. de; Oliveira Gondim, I.T.G. de; Wanderley Santos, E.L.; Gracas Wanderley de Sales Coriolano, M.; Asano, A.G.C.; Asano, N.M.J.
Acupuncture as adjuvant therapy for sleep disorders in Parkinson's disease
J Acupunct Meridian Stud, 2017, 10(1), 33-38
Acupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Sleep disorders, Traditional Chinese medicine
13 Lei, H.; Toosizadeh, N.; Schwenk, M.; Sherman, S.; Karp, S.; Sternberg, E.; Najafi, B.
A pilot clinical trial to objectively assess the efficacy of electroacupuncture on gait in patients with Parkinson's disease using body worn sensors
PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(5), e0155613; (1-14)
Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine
14 Kong, K.H.; Ng, H.L.; Li, W.; Ng, D.W.; Tan, S.I.; Tay, K.Y.; Au, W.L.; Tan, L.C.S.
Acupuncture in the treatment of fatigue in Parkinson's disease
A pilot, randomized, controlled, study
Brain Behav, 2017, 8(1), e00897; (1-6)
Acupuncture, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Clinical research, Complementary and alternative medicine, Nervous system, Parkinson's disease, Placebo-controlled, Mental diseases, Randomized trial, Traditional Chinese medicine